Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 (Sienna's POV)

    We had finally reach Tyrus, sadly Captain Kirk has not woken up yet and some of the crew are had started to worry. Spock had still not gotten me to do anything important, but rather just sit in a chair bored to death. When I heard that we would reach Tyrus soon I was excited because maybe I could finally do something.

“Captain,” Mr. Sulu informed, “We will be reaching Tyrus’s orbit in 3, 2, 1. We are here.”   

“Good,” Spock responded. “Have Dr. McCoy, Mr. Scott and yourself meet me on the transporter in 10 minutes."

Mr. Sulu nodded his head in agreement and then went back to work. I desperately wanted to come with the landing party, but I knew Spock wanted nothing to do with me.

"Chekov, you are in charge while I am off the ship," Spock informed, but I could tell he was not his first decision on who takes charge.

Spock walked to the elevator and I cut in front of him. "Spock, I mean Captain, whatever." I sighed, "I want to come with you and the landing party, I think I could be useful."

"No," he replied sternly. He took a step to the right to go around me, but I block his way.

"Why?" I asked, "Why won't you let me go? Why do you not let me do anything useful? Why do you make me sit here like a sack of potatoes?" I was fuming.

"A sack of potatoes? I don't understand-" Spock could not continue because I cut him off.

"Why?" I almost screamed.

"Everything I do has a logical reason," Spock tried to explain, but I did not believe it.

"Okay, then what was your logic for putting Chekov in charge?" I whispered so Chekov could not hear me, "He is only a boy."

"And you are only a girl," Spock said, "Now let me pass."

I was going to let him pass, but then something told me not to. "Not until you give me a good reason."

Spock shook his head, "I am your Captain-,"

"And I don't care what ranking you have, I deserve a reason," I stood strong.

"If you want it this way," Spock reached his hand up to my neck, at first I was unsure of what he was doing. Then at the last second before everything went black, I realized he had given my the Vulcan Nerve Pinch.

(Uhura's POV)

I ran to Sienna’s side, poor girl, I could not believe what Spock had just done. “Spock! How dare you do this?”

“Don’t question your Captain,” He replied.

“I no longer think you deserve that title after what you had done to the poor girl.” I fumed, “She did not deserve this.”

“She was a threat to the mission,” He explained. Spock walked towards the elevator with Mr. Sulu behind him.  

“A THREAT!” I screamed, “Don’t tell me you have actually convinced yourself that your SISTER is a threat.”

Before he could answer the elevator door closed behind him and he was on his way to the transporter room. “This is a disaster,” I mumbled under my breath. Spock was acting illogically and unlike himself, and the only one who has been known to help him is unconscious.

Chekov did seem pretty excited that he got to be in charge. He sat in the Captain’s chair with a large grin across his face. I agreed with Sienna that he was not ready to take charge, but maybe with the crews help with will be fine, and besides everything was in perfect shape.

(Spock’s POV)

Once we had landed on Tyrus I sent the landing party to scope out the area. We had to find Morka before he damaged anything else. Tyrus’s terrain was full of craters and boulders. There was very little vegetation because most of the soil was not fertile.   

“Mr. Scott any good news?” I asked walking over to where he studying the terrain with his tricorder.

“Nae Sair.” Mr. Scott replied. “Mah readings say thaur is no life f'rm in 20 leagues of here.”

“Keep looking,” I sighed, “The coordinates say that he should in this area.” This was not going as well as I calculated.  

I was about to contact the Enterprise when Mr. Sulu called out, “Captain, I think I have something,” I ran over to him hoping for good news. “No, darn tricorder.”

“Anything good?” I asked.

“I had a life form reading minutes ago, but then my tricorder stopped working. I think it is the batteries.” Mr. Sulu answered.

I took the tricorder from Sulu. “You are right, I will contact the Enterprise to send down another battery. Do you remember anything about the reading?”

“It said that there was another life form, human, that was said to be two leagues south of here.”

“Good,” I picked up my communicator and tried to contact the Enterprise, but also had dead batteries. “Fascinating,” I said, “My communicator had full power not moments ago.”

Then I heard Dr. McCoy call, “Spock my tricorder has stopped working.”

Followed by Mr. Scott, “Same here keptin.”

“Does anyone on this landing party have a fully charge instrument?” I asked, but the only answer I got was a chorus of “no.”

“Interesting, there must be something draining the batteries on our instruments.” I stated.

Mr. Scott spoke up, “Keptin, without battery soorce we cannae contact th' enterprise.”

“I have realized that Mr. Scott, but it is standard procedure to send down a second landing party after the first one had not responded back in an hour. Until then it is logical if we continue looking for Morka.” I replied.

Everyone’s faces all resembled the human emotion if worry, but I did not understand why.

I am on a roll today, this is my third update on the star trek fan fiction :) I hope you enjoyed it, and please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it better!!!!!!!!!

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