Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Sienna's POV)

My eyes fluttered open, it took me a couple minutes for my eyes to work. My body ached all over. I tried to roll out of bed, but I did not have the energy.

A man came rushing over to me. "Good grief," he exclaimed, "you're awake."

"W-where am I," I stuttered very confused.

"You are in the sick bay of the USS Enterprise," he said calmly, "I hope your parents won't mind."

"They won't even realize I am gone," I murmured.

"What is your name?" He asked.

"Sienna Greaves," I replied.

"Hello, Ms. Greaves. I am Dr. McCoy, but you may call me Bones if you wish."

"Sienna is fine," I corrected.

"Then Sienna, I hope you don't mind if I take a blood sample for the records," Bones asked.

"Go ahead," I held out my arm for him to take the sample.

After Bones had taken many test, and filled out my chart he led me up to the bridge where the Captain wished to talk to me.

I stepped out of the elevator and onto the bridge. The bridge was nothing like I had ever seen before.

Everything was pure white and there were tons of high tech computers. There were many crew members all wearing different colour long sleeve shirts, except for the women who wore dresses.

Bones walked up to the Captain who was sitting in the head chair. Bones whispered to the Captain something before they walked back over to where I stood.

The Captain wore a yellow shirt, and I recognized him from the Morka incident.

"Sienna Greaves, it is nice to formally meet you," the captain said "I am Captain Kirk, and I apologize for adducting you from Earth."

"Don't be," I replied. "I wanted a start over anyways."

Captain Kirk gave me a small confused look before he introduced Spock. "This here is our first officer, Spock."

"Good day Ms. Greaves," Spock shook my hand. He wore a blue shirt, and I had also recognized him too.

"Just Sienna," I corrected. It always felt awkward when people used my last name.

"If you don't mind me asking," Spock continued, "could you please clarify what you meant by you 'wanted to start over.'"

"It is nothing," I replied, "What is the plan Captain?"

"Morka is believed to be in uncharted territory," Captain Kirk answered, "But he is none of your concern."

"I can see where you are coming from captain, but since I am on this starship already. I wish to know where we are headed and why."

The captain turned his head to look at Spock. They both nodded in agreement before the Kirk spoke again, "fine."

All of a sudden, a lady in a red dress walked up behind me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Hello, I am Uhura, and who may you be?" she asked.

"Sienna Greaves," I stuttered.

"Well, Sienna we should get you into some proper clothing before anyone realizes that you are not suppose to be on the ship." Uhura stated, "right captain."

"No one is allowed to come on missions unless they have passed the tests," Spock explained.

"But I think I am going to let this fly," Kirk said, "but we should get you into uniform. Uhura do you mind?"

"Of course not," she replied before leading to the elevator.

Just before the elevator door close I saw, Spock lean over to Kirk and said, "Captain, you are breaking the rules. You could get in serious trouble."

Captain Kirk sighed and then replied "I am not sure about my decision, but I have a good feeling about this girl."

Another chapter is up :) I hope you enjoyed it, if there are any suggestions please comment I would love to know how to make this Fan Fiction better!!!!!

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