Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 (Sienna's POV)

A couple hours passed and the planet's surface was starting to cool of a it got closer to dark. I did not dare move from the area in which I promised I would stay incase the Enterprise came looking for me.

There was really nothing to do on Tyrus, so I started drawing pictures in the sand. But soon enough I got bored and sat back down. I wished to be back on the Enterprise; and I wondered what Captain Kirk was thinking. Was he trying to find a way to get me back? Or was he going to leave it to Starfleet? Or would it just be easier to leave me here, because he would not have to put his job at stake.

I was laying peacefully against a boulder when I heard a noise come in from behind me. I spun around and jumped to my feet to see who, or what was making the noise, but nothing was there. Confused I turned back around to see someone with an old fashioned gun pointed at my head.

"So we meet again," The man said, and instantly I realized who he was. Morka.

"And I wished it would never happen again," I replied bitterly. Then my focus went to his gun. It looked to be from the 21st century. "Nice try Morka, but instruments like guns don't work here."

"But this is where you go wrong," Morka smirked, "This here is a gun that uses gunpowder. There is no use for batteries, that is why I can do this," He took the and pointed it up in the sky, then he pulled the trigger. A large bang sound when off and a bullet shot out of the end.

Crap, I thought, he was right. The guns from the 21st century don't use battery power, but I do remember reading that they are not as effective as a phaser. "Why kill me?" I asked trying to stall for time to think, "What difference would it make if a simple girl from earth died."

"Because you are on the enemies side-,"

"Ha," I said trying to think of a reason to object him, "If you are talking about Kirk, he marooned me here on Tyrus."

"That does not sound like the Captain James T. Kirk I know," Morka mocked Kirk's name.

"It was either bring me back to Earth and suffer the consequences from Starfleet for bring me aboard, or maroon me here and deny the I was ever aboard," I explained trying to make my lie sound convincible.

"Give up his captaincy or get rid of a 18 year old girl," Morka thought about it for a second, "That all makes sense now, and is that why you are wearing an Enterprise uniform?"

I knew I had to keep playing the role that I hate the Starfleet so I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Yea."

I did wonder though, what Kirk ever did to get Morka on his 'bad side'. Then I recalled Morka saying earlier about Kirk killing his wife. My curiosity got the best of me, "What did Kirk ever do to you anyways?"

"It all started three months ago when Kirk stole my position on the Enterprise. I was suppose to be the Captain!" Morka roared, "Admiral Pike promised me the job until he met Kirk."

"That is awful," I lied right though my teeth.

"Apparently if you sweet talk the previous Captain of the Enterprise you get a better shot," Morka sat on a rock across from me still holding the gun pointing at my chest. "And then on one of his missions he 'accidentally kills my wife'."

I no longer believed a word he said, and I tried to keep my mouth shut as he raged. Then I zoned out and starting thinking on how Morka got on Tyrus, and how he knew I was sitting here. When I put my attention back on Morka I saw something in his pocket, "What is that," I interrupted.

Morka smiled, "My master plan, I will tell you if you swear to be on my side."

I knew it is wrong to make a promise I won't keep, but I had to know what he was going to do, "Sure, it would be better than Kirk's who marooned me here." It lied like a pro, even though I am part Vulcan, the human in me is stronger.

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