Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 (Captain Kirk’s POV)

         Morka made a run for it, and I knew I had to stop him before he did anything else. The poor girl that had been dragged into this was now lying passed out on the ground in front of Spock.

         “Spock, I want you to come with me; and Scotty, look after the poor girl would ya?” I instructed.

        Spock ran to my side as we tried to get through the crowd that blocked the ship.

        Once I made it through the crowd I turned back once to see that Scotty had beamed himself and the girl up onto the ship. I was glad to see that the transporter was working, just in case I would need it soon.

       When I turned around Spock had already found Morka’s trial and was close behind him. I picked up my communicator and Spock answered, “Captain, where are you?”

       “You keep following Morka, I know a path to cut him off,” I informed Spock.

          I ran down a back alley behind some shops, thinking that I could cut him off when the road merge together.

My plan worked, I ran in front of him with my phaser held out and Spock did the same from behind. Morka was trapped.

"You have two options," I told Morka, "One you surrender willingly, it two we shoot you in the leg and drag you into a cell."

Morka thought about it for a second, "I choose option three, I beam out of here to where you will never find me."

As he said that Morka beamed away giving us no time to stop him. Morka got away, and I had no idea where he is now.

"If I were human, I believe I would tell Morka 'go to hell'" Spock said with a straight face, showing no emotion whatsoever. "If I were human."

I rolled my eyes, "how can you not be angry at this?" I asked.

"I may be half human, but I try and control my emotions so that I don't feel anger," Spock explained.


(Scotty's POV)

As Captain Kirk and Spock ran after Morka, I beamed myself and the laddie back to the USS Enterprise. Which had followed us through warp speed to Earth.

The second I was safely on the transporter platform in our ship I picked the girl up over my shoulder and ran towards the sick bay.

"Bones, aye need ye now," I called for bones who was checking on a patient on the other side of the room.

I laid the girl on one of the stretchers, she had a large gash on her forehead and other small scraps on her face. That did not worry me though, what did was the fact that she had not woken up yet.

"What is going on?" He asked running over towards me. "Who is she?"

"Aye will explain tae ye later," I stated, "but can ye hel 'er?"

"I will do my best," he replied getting right to work. "Scotty I believe you are needed in the engine room."

"Oh right, meh poor ship," I said leaving the girl in the safety of Bones hands to fix the problems our ship was having.


(Captain Kirk's POV)

Shortly after Morka had gotten away Spock and myself beamed back to she ship. We both had the same idea, to head straight for the sick bay.

"Bones," I said when I reached the hospital wing, "how is she?"

"She will be fine," Bones replied. I had a huge sigh of relief. "Well, if she wakes up."

"Do you think that she won't wake up?" I asked just before the PA system went off.

Uhura voice came on, "Captain we need you on the bridge."

"I will go Captain, you can stay here," Spock offered.

"I will be right behind you," I replied. Spock ran off to the bridge where I would meet him shortly.

"To answer your question, there is a possibility that she may never wake up," Bones informed.

"I want her awake," I told Bones before running off to the bridge.

When I reached the bridge, it was chaos. Spock was trying settle everyone down, but he was not succeeding.

"Captain on the bridge," I yelled over all of the voices. That instant everyone took their places and I sat back down into the Captain's chair.

I took a deep breath and then continued, "Mr. Sulu is there anything I need to know?"

"We have some damages on the ship," He informed me "but they are not serious and Scotty is fixing them now."

"Great, anything else?" I asked. Everyone shook their head to let me know that there was nothing else.

"If you don't mind sir," Uhura said, "I wish to know who the girl is."

"She is a brave young lady," I explained, "but that is all the information we have on her so far."

Uhura nodded, "I have an idea were Morka might be."

         "Well then what are we waiting for, lets go," I replied.

I am having a lot of fun writing this fan fiction :) I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!!!

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