Lauren: and then they're gonna ask me if i knew anything, and i cannot tell a lie, so then they'll tell my dad, and my dad will kick my ass. so maybe you shouldn't be ditching.

Dinah: snjeiiwikw

Lauren: bye

Allycat: Are you done with classes yet?

Lauren: yeah, just stopped by my locker, walking to my truck. why, what's up?

Allycat: I was wondering if you could give me a ride to the bakery, my Dad needs some help for the evening rush.

Lauren: of course, heading to WSH right now

Lauren: i'll pick you up near the football field so you can say bye to troy ;)

Allycat: Gosh, stop that! But thanks, Lo. You're a lifesaver!

Lauren: anything for you and papa h

Allycat: stop texting and driving, you dummy!

Lulu: hey asshole

Lauren: LOGAN

Lulu: come visit me :(

Lauren: i would, but something tells me my dad isn't gonna let me drive all the way up to illinois

Lauren: 3 years later and i'm still bummed that you moved, btw

Lulu: don't remind me :((((( but it's the windy city! tell him you'll bring him back some specialty liquor or some shit

Lauren: hey, the drinking thing isn't fair game

Lulu: you're right, sorry, that was a dick move. but I really miss you and Dinah

Lauren: we'll figure this out, trust me

Lulu: I trust you

Kendall: Ren-Ren!

Lauren: how many times do i have to tell you not to call me that

Kendall: Just once, honestly. I just like making you mad :)

Lauren: okay then. was there something you needed, princess?

Kendall: Yes, actually. I need to know if Annie Clark is single

Lauren: annie? as in tennis captain annie? as in the one who broke up with cara?

Kendall: What? She broke up with Cara?? Like they're not together anymore???

Lauren: nope, she's single now. idk why they broke up or whatever. all i remember was cara ranting about it during practice or something. why did you wanna know?

Kendall: Not important. Thanks, bye Ren-Ren!! xoxo

Lauren: -_-

Manibear: hey

Lauren: hey

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