Doomed - Part 1

Começar do início

"Okay.", Peter smiled. "Maybe yes."


We went to our classes, Peter walked me to Biology and then he went to his physics class. After the last lesson I quickly got out of class where Peter already waited to go to the cafeteria.

"How often have you seen them yet?", I sighed and listed it first. "There's Ava in my History class and it's so annoying! She knows everything! Oh, and Luke's in Geography, but that's fine, he went to sit next to me. He's cool. But he told me we'll all be together in P.E. ...", I told Pete.

"Oh no, Bucket head in P.E.!", Peter sighed. "But yeah, Luke's cool, he actually is in History with me.", he smiled provocatively and I sighed.

"You're so lucky."

"No, probably not. Ava's in my Physics class, she always tries to conquer me!", Peter said, just as annoyed as I was.

As we reached the cafeteria we made our way to our usual table, Pete calls it "Peter's table". It's only him, MJ, Harry and me.

"I looked forward to lunch all day! The one and only time we don't have to deal with -", he said, but as we arrived Peter stopped.

"- Sam?!"

Sam was sitting next to Harry and MJ, she was laughing at him, while he made a potato sculpture of Principle / Agent Coulson.

Peter looked at him angrily. "Hallway! Now!"

I sat down net to MJ and she told me who Sam was and how funny he was and that there were some more new students, but I didn't really listen, I tried to follow Peter and Sam's conversation outside, with my super ears.

"What's your problem, Parker?", Sam nearly shouted.

"The table! Peter's table and Peter's friends! Get it?", Peter shouted back.

That was a clear message.

"Look, you guys are cool in your special ways, I guess, and Spiderman does Fury's super group thing out there, but in here, it's my rules.", Peter explained a bit more calmed.

"Tzz. You know, words are coming out of your mouth but I stop caring!", Sam shouted.

Now Peter was angry again. "You're just mad that Fury made me leader of the team!"

Probably time to run outside.

"I am not mad, because there is no leader!", Sam nearly screamed like a little girl. I arrived.

"Stop this! Both of you! Sam, of course Peter is the leader, he's the one with the most knowledge and experience. It's logical, isn't it? And Peter, why do you even argue about this? Everyone is watching."

I said and pointed with my head to a row of students looking at us, whispering "Who's a fury?" and "What team?"

"No, there is no leader! But if there was, it wouldn't be a pajama wearing web head.", Sam said slowly, looking at Peter. Peter would explode every second.

"What? That insults me too, you bucket head!", even I got angry now.

Sam looked at me confusedly; he might have thought 'What did she just say?' - I actually never get near losing control over myself.

I looked at Peter, he was about to lose control aswell, I quickly stepped between them and suddenly Coulson appeared out of nothing.

"I have a good solution; you are going to set that in detention."


A minute later we entered an empty looking class room, but I realized that Ava, Luke and Danny were sitting in the back of the room.

As soon as we sat down Sam and Peter started complaining.

"I never had detention in my whole life! May's going to kill me!", Peter whispered to me, throwing his head onto the table. Then he got up again , said "And then she'll bring me back as a zombie and kill me again.", and threw his head onto the table again.

"Good job with the role play, you guys, that was perfect. Though Ava, Luke and Danny didn't do a bad job, too.", Coulson said.

Peter and Sam looked around and then looked at each other.


"This is just to bring us together for a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. thing? I thought it was serious.", Peter said.

Coulson smiled. "Define serious!", he pushed a button and the ground under our chairs opened and we fell.

"AAAAH", I could hear the others scream, they seemed to be like 10 meters away from me. Suddenly somebody grabbed my arm, it was Peter.

We landed on something looking like a matrass and our suits lied in front of us.

We grabbed them and looked at each other weirdly.

"Err... You look this way and I look that way. Just turn around.", I said.

I tell you, getting into this suit while looking over your shoulder the whole time, proving no one's watching you is not good for your neck.

We turned around and saw something looking like a cart car, but as soon as we sat down, that thing moved forward in an extreme speed.

"Okay, I like this!", Peter said, but too early, we suddenly were catapulted onto the ground and created a big heap: Luke on the floor, then Sam , Danny, Peter and me.

"Ouch!", everyone groaned. Well, everyone except for Ava. She had made a perfect flip jump and landed onto her feet. "Tada!"

When I had gotten up, Peter and the other boys were still struggling with their costumes, they were all attached to each other.

Ava looked at me. "Boys..." She shrugged and went through the door.

We followed her into another, bigger room, with glass walls, that showed us we were surrounded by water.

"Where are we?", I asked.

"New York city underground?", Luke suggested.

"And why is there water everywhere then?", Sam asked annoyed.

Before anyone could share another idea we heard Fury making an announcement through a loudspeaker, but the only word we got was 'Attention'.

"The Helicarrier!", I said, just before everything started shaking and quaking and the helicarrier came out of the water.

"I love this job!", Ava said excitedly.

Now Fury appeared on a screen, telling us something about judging us, when exactly 20 robots entered the room through the door and positioned themselves spread in the whole room.

Sam looked at Peter. "Bet your web shooters, I can take down more drones than you can."

"First one to track 10 down wins!", Peter said and Ava and I rolled our eyes.

Life as SpiderwomanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora