hospital pt.2

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{ this song takes a bit to start so just wait a second😌 }

i woke up hearing the heart monitor go
" beeeeeeep."

Oh no.

Doctors rushed into the room.

" we're gonna need to to go back to the lobby ma'am."

" is he gonna be okay?" I choke.

" he'll be just fine hun. "

I leave the room with my eyes full of tears.

I immediately go find my mom.

I run to her and hug her, I'm crying now.

" mom, Jacobs not okay," I breath heavily, " his heart monitor went flat."

" he's gonna be okay. I promise."

I sit next to my mom and cry.

I guess I fell asleep because I woke up and everyone else was sleeping. I checked my phone and it was 1:02 am.

I walk over to Jacobs room to check if he's in there.
He's not.

I decide to go back to bed.

I wake up breathing like I just ran a marathon.

I had a nightmare that Jacob didn't make it.
I was kinda hoping that I was dreaming and that Jacob wasn't in the hospital in the first place. And that I'd wake in my bedroom and Jacob would be perfectly fine. But I guess things don't work out that way because I was still in the hospital lobby.

Everyone was still sleeping. I check the time and it's 7:13.

I get up to see if Jacobs in his room again.
He's not.

At about 7:45 I leave to find the bathroom. I was a little lost until I saw a room marked "SURGERY."

I look through the glass and see Jacob laying on a stretcher.
I really hope he's sleeping.

Lots of crazy thoughts run through my mind but I tell myself to stop. I eventually find the restrooms.

When I get back to the lobby Jacobs mom and my mom are awake.

" good morning Brook. " Jacobs mom says.

" 'morning." I respond.

I would say good morning but I'd rather be at home with a nice and healthy Jacob, so wouldn't consider it a " good morning".

" are you hungry?" Mom asks.

" no." I lie.

" ok but tell me when you get hungry."

Two doctors walk up to Jacobs mom.

" he's doing better now but last night his lungs filled with fluid again. We have him on lots of medication to prevent that from happening. "

" as long as he's okay. " Jacobs mom chokes.

Once the doctors walk away my mom hugs Jacobs mom.
I can hear her hiccuping from crying.

All the sadness take me over and I also start crying. I just wish Jacob was okay. I want Jacob to be okay. I want Jacob.

I sit next to my mom and scroll through Instagram. I get a text from Hunter.

Hunter: Before I head to school I wanted to say good morning and I hope your day is fantastic😚💘

I read it and turn my phone off.
Every half hour or so I check if Jacobs back in his room.
And every time he's not there.

I'm falling asleep when I can sorta hear a doctor tell Jacobs mom that they'll have to get him an oxygen tank.
I shudder at the thought of that.

At about 2:15 I check Jacobs room and he's there.


😥 sorry these chapters have been really depressing ( and short)

💤 I'll see if I can update again tmrw

🐧 love you!

Pick Me.❥// Jacob SartoriusDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora