party: part 2

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" hey brook. you look beautiful!"
Jacob says with pink cheeks.


" are you staying for the sleep over?"

" yeah." I almost wanted to lie and say no.

" so am I!"

" yay." The sarcasm is real.

Jacob shuts his eyes hard.

" why don't you like to talk to me anymore?
we used to talk all the time when we were together-"

" exactly, because we're not together... and i don't wanna be in a relationship right now."

" well we could hang out during spring break and-"

"I'm leaving to Arizona tomorrow." I blurt out.

" make sure you text me everyday," he smiles big, " call me if you want too."

" totally." I say.


" you know what? I don't care that were not having the best conversation right now but im happy were talking. That we're together. I miss doing this. I miss you." Jacob says.

I can't hold back anymore. I can't take this.

" i miss you too jacob!" I say hugging him.

He's so shocked that all he can do is hold me tight.

It feels great to be in his arms. It feels so right.

While I take in this moment, if suddenly feel guilty.


I'm so confused on how to feel.
I don't know what to do.

" this isn't right." I mumble.

" what?" He asks.

" nothing." I lie.

" good."

We walk to the basement door when I finally get a text from Ethan.

Ethan: sorry I ditched you but i have to go. bye.

I don't respond.

I know it's not a big deal but I'm really mad at him.

I put my phone in my pocket and walk downstairs with jacob.

"Brooklynn!!" Olivia yells to me.

"Olivia!!" I yell back.

There's about 10 maybe 15 people down here.

I'm just sitting on the couch minding my own business when someone shouts,

" let's watch a movie!"

Olivia puts on The Good Dinosaur.

Jacob comes and sit close to me.
Too close.

I scoot over.

He's about to move closer when I get up and move to a different couch.

I don't even watch the movie and I text Ally.

Me: hey ally! I miss you so much already!!
Oh and say hi to Mario for me😂

Ally: he's right next to me actually lol.
He says hi and that he misses you.😹

Me: tell him I miss him too😛 sorry for the short convo but goodnight😽💞

Ally: love ya too girly💝

Jacob gets up, I guess to use the bathroom but when he comes back he sits next to me.

I don't care anymore, I'm going to bed anyway.

I fall asleep on the couch with my contacts still in, and my phone in my hands.

authors note::


🍼Brook is leaving to Phoenix tomorrow ( in the story cuz I don't know when I'll update)

🌸I might not be able to update as often because I need to actually do my homework lolol.😅😂

👽anyways I love you and don't forget to vote😽💝

Pick Me.❥// Jacob SartoriusDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora