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i wake up to the smell of cinnamon rolls. mmmh I love cinnamon rolls.  I eat those up and go get dressed.
I put on some high wasted jeans with a crop top-
( jk jk this isn't like all the other stories)😂😂

I actually put some black leggings and a shirt from VS with some Converse. I curl my hair and put some mascara on. I don't usually where any makeup at all so watch out boys.😂

Anyways, I grab my backpack and head out the door. I almost miss the bus but I catch it before it leaves. I sit next to Ally and I scroll through Instagram while she texts Mario.
We finally arrive to jail.. I mean school.
I start walking to my locker when I see a familiar face.
"Jacob Sartorius.." I say
Jacob looks back at me and smiles.
"Hi Brooklynn" he says waving to me.
" what's your home room?" I ask.
"Umm... math." he says looking at his schedule.
I grab his schedule. We almost have every class together.
"ugh great😒" I think to myself.
But it felt weird. A part of me was happy that I had classes with Jacob. That I would get to spend time with him. But it's whatever.

Jacob and I walk into Math. I go to my seat ( next to Ally of course ) while Jacob talks to the teacher.
"Okay Jacob you can sit right here." The teacher says pointing to the seat next to me.
"Oh great." I say under my breath.

" hi again!" Jacob says to Ally and I.
" heeeyyy!" I say sarcastically.
You can tell the teacher was gonna start so we got quiet.

I had my next few classes with him and Ally but we didn't get to talk much.
Soon it was lunch time and I was excited cuz FOOD!!!
Ally and I walk into the lunch room together and stand in the lunch line. Once we get our food we sit at out usual lunch table including Abby, Olivia, Morgan, Thomas, and Brandon (not Brandon Rowland). Ally sees Jacob and invites him to our table, Mark tags along.

We eat our food but like I told you, of course the girls are all over him. Abby and Morgan are playing with his hair and Olivia's wearing his hat.
Brandon looks really mad ( he really likes Olivia but he won't admit it)
Thomas doesn't care, he just wants to eat lol.
I'm not jealous but.. I don't know... I knew this was gonna happen.
Lunch ends after what felt like a million years.
I walk with Jacob to science. When this group of guys walk up to us.
" You walking with your girlfriend pretty boy?" this random guy asks.
" leave him alone." I say to him.
" why should I?" He replies.
I start walking away and he catches up with me. I trip him and he falls. I grab Jacobs hand and we giggle down the hallway.
School ends sooner than I thought. Me, Ally, and Jacob walk to the buses together.
"Do you guys want to hang out later?" Jacob asks.
"Um.. Sure why not." I reply.
"I'll text you when I get home." He says.
"I don't have your num-"
"Oh here's my number." He cuts me off handing me a piece of paper.
"Thanks" I say
"See ya later!" He yells walking away.
"Bye!" I yell back

I don't know if I like this but whatev's🤘🏼✨

Pick Me.❥// Jacob SartoriusUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum