uh oh

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{Brooklynn's POV}

i wake up and realized my alarm has been ringing for the past 20 minutes. How do I sleep over my alarm clock? I'm gonna be so late for school crap.

I put on a pair of joggers and a shirt that says Nike with the symbol and put on some Roshels.

I put my hair in a messy bun first of all because I have no time to do my hair and second of all because it actually looks good for once.
I grab a granola bar and run out the door.

I see Ally at the bus stop. How did I not miss the bus? I get on the bus and text Jacob. It's the same old conversation that we usually have, hey, how are you, what's up, you know all those things.

He wasn't responding as fast as he usually does. Maybe he was texting someone else at the same time. Ashtin? Maybe I don't know I don't want to get mad over a little situation so I'll just keep it to myself. If it gets worse I'll bring it up but I don't think it's that big of a deal.

I get the school and he's waiting at my locker as usual. I give them a hug and he kisses my cheek you know... It's the same thing every time but who cares. We walked to math class together and sit down next to each other like we usually do but this time he doesn't talk to me, he talks to Ashtin instead. I was a little upset about it but I didn't care. I just talked to Ally instead.

It didn't seem like he was ignoring me, it just seem like he wanted to talk to Ashtin instead. Maybe he was getting tired of me, maybe he doesn't want me anymore and wants someone else. If he doesn't want to talk to me, I won't make an effort and talk to him either. I can play this game too Jacob.

I try to purposely ignore him for the day but it was hard. He's just always so nice and it's hard to try to stay mad at him or not even talk to him at all.

One time today he was calling my name in the hallway but since it was loud I pretended to not hear him and I felt really bad about it.
But I didn't feel as bad after I saw him walking down the hallway giggling with Ashtin.
Do you think it's time for me to talk to him about it or should I just wait. I don't really know I might as well, it's getting pretty unnoticeable now so yeah.

I text Jacob to meet me at the park after school. I don't know how well this is gonna go so don't expect anything too great. I'm hoping we'll just compromise so we don't have to break up or anything. I actually really like Jacob now so I wouldn't mind dating him for a long time.

I'm sitting on a swing when I see Jacob walking up to me. He sits on the swing next me when he says,
"so what's up?" Jacob says.

" I just wanted to talk-"

Jacob cuts me off. "What did I do?"

" oh no it's nothing. I just wanted to ask why you've been talking to Ashtin so much lately."

"Oh her? I've just been talking to her because she just moved here and it's been hard for her lately. It's nothing really, I hope it doesn't bother you..."

" it doesn't bother me, It's fine. I just thought maybe you liked her. But if you liked someone else, you'd tell me right?

"Of course Brook."

"Thanks Jacob, you're the best." I say hugging him.

{Jacob's POV}

umm... I may have lied a tiny bit....
I like ashtin but not as much as I like brooklynn.
I'll try to keep it on the down low but I do want to get to know Ashtin better.

She's really nice, sweet, and funny.
I mean she's great and all but I have Brooklynn.
And I know if I let go of Brook that I'll regret it because I only have one chance.
So I better not waste it.

welp there you go😊😛🤘🏼 comment your name if you wanna be in this cuz I need more people😁😅💕

Pick Me.❥// Jacob SartoriusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora