day with the rowlands

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When the Rowlands leave I head to my room and get ready for bed.

I take a shower and change into some PJ's.

I'm under the cover playing on my phone when Tracy walks in.
" hey I have work tomorrow so be ready at 10:30 because I'm driving you to Christine's house."

"Okay. Goodnight!" I say.

" 'night. see ya in the morning!" She smiles, turns the light off, and leaves.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -

I wake up at 8:53.

I put on some jean shorts and a tank top with sunglasses on it.
I put on black converse then curl my hair.

I walk to the kitchen to get breakfast and hear my aunt say,
" we can go get McDonald's for breakfast if you want."

I do want a hash brown.

"Sure." I reply.

It's 9:26 when we get in the car to go to McDonald's.

I get pancakes, a hash brown, bacon, and some orange juice.
Tracy got a Sausage McMuffin.

We finish eating at 9:48.

" it's a little early but I'll drop you off at hunters house now."


I'm really excited to hang out with Hunter and Brandon. I wonder what movie were gonna watch?
We're about 5 mins away when I get a text from Jacob.

Jacob: good morning! how is it in Phoenix?

Me: it's great here. im also
making new friends.

Jacob: and who would that be?

Me: none other than
the Rowlands.

Jacob: really?? *sarcasm*

Me: yes. im actually heading
to their house right now.

Jacob: cool. FaceTime?

I don't remember the last time I FaceTimed Jacob but better now than ever right?

Me: sure. I'll call you.

I press the button to face time him and he answers right away.

" hey brook!" Jacob says.

"hey. Sorry I'm in the car right now and there's no wifi so.."

"It's fine. Lemme say hi to Hunter when you get there."

"Okay. We're almost there."

Jacob starts to tell me how Mark and him saw Zootopia yesterday and I stop him.

"I don't want you to spoil it because I might watch it today."

" oh. then I call you later so we can talk about it." He smiles wide.

" good one jacob. Oh we're here!"

I put myself on mute and say goodbye to my aunt.

I get off mute and ring the doorbell.

"Tell me when he opens the door!" Jacob whispers.

"Okay." I mouth to him.

Hunter opens the door.
I nod at Jacob.

"Brook!" Hunter says.

"Hunter!" I say.

"Jacob!!!" Jacob says.

We all laugh and then Jacob talks to Hunter.

I end the FaceTime and walk in the house.

Brandon's playing on his X-Box 1.

"Hey Brandon!" I say.

"Hey Brook." He says keeping his eyes on the tv.

"Rude."  I think to myself .

"Brook!" Ashton says running up to me.

"Hi Ashton." I say hugging him.

"Guess what!" He exclaims.


" we're gonna watch ZOOTOPIA!!"

"Really? Yay!" I say.

Ashton kinda just walks away after that. Lol.

"So what's up?" Hunter asks.

"Nothing I just miss my friend Ally."

"Oh. Hey are you ready for another 'guess what?'" Hunter says.

"Sure. Go for it."

"Guess what!"

"What?" I ask.

"I have a friend coming later today." He smirks.

"Who?" I ask.



🍼 then you ask "how many younowers can you bring into this?" The answer is.. A LOT!

🌸 I'll probably update one more time today. :)

💎  we are SO close to 500 views!! Come on we can do this!!💜 love you guys!!💜💜

{ also Blake as in Blake Gray, incase you didn't catch that }

Pick Me.❥// Jacob SartoriusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang