oh snap...again lol

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"Blake gray?" I ask.

"Yes." Hunters smile gets wider.

"Cool." I say to him.
But on the inside I'm like " AWW HELL NAH!"
I'm practically sweating at the thought of me meeting Blake.

" you'll love him." Hunter says.

I don't respond because I'm still trying to process this.

Hunter motions me to come with him, so I do.
We walk down to the basement and he pulls out his hover board.

He starts riding it.

I've only rode one once or twice so I'm excited.

"You wanna try?" He asks.

"Of course I do." I say.

I jump on naturally and I'm already a pro.

I go super fast and when I pass by Hunter I dab.

He laughs at me and I almost crash into a couch.

I get off and Hunter gets back on.

I take a video of him on snap chat and he dabs too.
I check the time and it's 11:48.

"Hey what time are we leaving to the movies?" I ask.

"Uhh at noon I think."

"Then we should probably go." I say showing him my phone."

"Oh yeah. Come on!" He runs upstairs.
I follow him.

"MOM LETS GO!!" Hunter yells.

Brandon opens the door from the outside.
"She's in the car. We've been waiting for you."
Brandon says annoyed.

"Oh." He says laughing.

We both walk to the car and go to the movies.

It's silent for a while. I decide to break the ice.

"So..when's Blake coming?" I ask.

" after the movie." Hunter says.

"Cool, are we gonna stop and get candy?"

Hunter gives me a confused look.

"You know, for the movie." I say.

He sits there for a second and then realizes what I meant.
"Ohh! But no we just get candy at the theater."

I don't know about you but when I go to the movies, we go to the dollar store and get candy, and then watch the movie. The theater candy is so expensive so we bring our own.

"Oh okay." I say.

I guess we weren't far from the theater because we get there in no time.
We get our tickets and then our food.

"You can get whatever you want Brook. On us."
Christine says.

"Thanks!" I respond.

I end up getting and chocolate milkshake and watermelon sour patch kids.
Great combination right?

We watch the movie and it's about 2 hours long. It was great actually. I wanna hear what Jacob thought of it.

On the way back to Hunters house I remember about Blake.
I whip out my phone and get on snap chat.
I fix my hair and make sure I look decent.

Pick Me.❥// Jacob SartoriusWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt