A Party to Remember

Start from the beginning

“Drew be nice!” Bridgette ordered. “They’ve been through a lot! They’re allowed some public display.”

“No they’re not,” Trevor said and promptly threw a bucket of water at the couple. “My daughter is impressionable.”

“Trevor!” Tori yelled at the lord’s eldest son. River on the other hand laughed. The blonde woman went to go after Teresa’s father but River took her hand and led her over toward the designated dancing area. Once there, they began to slow dance.

The couple smiled at each other everything was perfect.


“Hey Riv!” Tori called. He looked over just in time to get covered in silly string. The blonde woman laughed as she, Bridgette, and Monique covered the Lord’s son.

“It’s on!” River yelled and started racing towards his bride.

“Eek!” The three girls squealed and promptly ran three different directions. Unfortunately it didn’t help when Dustin and Drew decided to help their friend.

Lady Kendra laughed as their back yard suddenly took on the appearance of a colorful war zone. She laughed even harder when she heard the puppy bark and turned her eyes Athena’s direction. The white pup was completely covered in pink, purple, blue, and yellow; as she had been jumping in the middle of the color war.

“Maybe river should have gotten her a black one; it’s going to be a pain to get all that color out of white fur,” Karen commented. Athena seemed to have heard her and promptly barked disapprovingly at Tori’s mother.

Karen looked slightly embarrassed for a moment. “Sorry Athena.” The pup barked a happy bark before turning around and heading for Tori; tail wagging happily. Warner snickered and Karen gave him a glare with no maliciousness behind it. Even she was amused by the pup’s reaction.

Lord Gregory couldn’t help but laugh as he saw the string of colors fly through the air. The fact that several of them now had poor aim, do to their alcohol intake, made it even more amusing.


Tori looked over and giggled seeing her new pet covered in silly string. “Oh Athena!” She said and got down on her knees. The white malamute quickly ran up to her and jumped in her lap. The blonde woman laughed. “Oh I better get you cleaned up before your fur is accidentally dyed by the silly string.” Athena barked and Tori stood up holding the pup in her arms.

“I’ll be back,” She told River. “I need to get this color off her before she looks like this permanently.

River chuckled and nodded and watched as the woman he loved, and his gift to her, entered the house.


Tori had only been gone to clean the puppy up for a few minutes when the back doors opened and several men dressed in dark gray suits suddenly entered the back yard.

“Dad?” Trevor said. He didn’t know who the men were but they looked very official.

Lord Gregory had sensed a presence and seeing concern in his son Trevor’s eyes he looked back to see men he did recognize.

Instantly he rose to his feet. A gesture towards the Dj silenced the music.

“Lord Gregory,” Prince Renzo addressed. There were too many lords for a prince to remember many of them. Especially if they weren’t from the country they resided in.

“I am Lord Gregory.”

“We are here to collect Miss Tori Rhodes.”

“Why? Prince Adler solidified the contract between our son and Tori,” Lady Kendra said coming to the side of her husband.

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