Chapter 72: It Happened in April, Part 2

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The reactions to the last few chapters have been awesome AND surprising! You saw some past Jam, Amex and even Julex and indirectly Jyder. It's only fair that I throw in a little Jalie ;)

And hopefully you'll see how just one little thing or choice can really change the outcome of what happens in the future (or present I guess, once the time jump is back in effect). 

Keep voting on that endgame ship poll linked on my profile. Right now the top couples are Brefan, Shantana and Julex. So keep on voting!


Friday, April 13, 2018 -- STANFORD, CALIFORNIA

"Ok, maybe I shouldn't go," Julie said as she walked into her apartment, where Albany was tapping away on her laptop.

Without looking up at her, Albany responded, "Julie, baby, we've had this conversation like a dozen times already. You're going on this date. You and Pretty Boy have been pining for each other for the last two months and while it was super cute at first, it's time to take it to the next level. Go on your date."

"But," Julie said, taking a seat on the table and forcing Albany to look up at her from the essay she was working on. "It's Friday the 13th. That's bad luck, right? And I just... I'm nervous. I haven't really dated anyone since..."

"Jake?" Albany asked.

Julie looked down at the ground. After getting asked out on a date by the guy she was crushing on, the thing that had been on her mind the most was her last relationship and how terribly that had gone.

"Julie!" Albany exclaimed with a loud groan. "You're being stupid and paranoid! Ok, you and that guy broke up, what, three years ago?"

"Three years tomorrow," Julie said, sinking down onto a chair.

"This," Albany said, pointing a finger at her. "This right here is why you have to go on this date. You've been moping around about this Jake guy for two weeks. I know this time of year reminds you of him and of the terrible, terrible shooting you experienced but it's time to move on, ok, babe?" Her expression softening, she reached for Julie's hand and said, "Besides, Luke and I need a couple to double date with."

Julie laughed. "So I can join you on your bi adventures?"

Albany made a face. "I don't even think I'm really bi."

"You totally made out with a girl last semester at the Theta party," Julie pointed out.

Rolling her eyes, her roommate said, "Yeah, but that was just because I was drunk. I mean, yes, girls are totally hot and I think I'd be down for a hook up or two with one but... I love men. And I love Luke."

"Who has a bigger crush on Shawn than I do," Julie joked.

Albany slapped her arm softly. "Enough!" she giggled. "This was supposed to be a serious conversation, Julie! Shawn is smart. He's mature. He's sophisticated. He's loaded. And he's super, duper hot. Go on your date tonight, have an awesome time, and forget about Jake and Sam and all those other guys you've told me about because tonight you start from zero again and the feeling is going to be amazing." She took a pause. "What did Kitty think?"

"She loves Shawn," Julie shrugged. "She also thinks I should go on the date."

"Two against one," Albany said with a smile. "Go on the date, Julie. You won't regret it."

Julie took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right," she said, standing up. "I'm going to go get ready and I'm going to have a good time tonight."


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