Chapter 15: The B-Word

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The first item that Julie found on the list was a small giraffe for the purpose of being a bath toy. It had a small turquoise floater around its long body. Though it was small, Julie got a sense that it hadn't been too cheap.

Alex was looking at a bug which had musical notes on several buttons. He wasn't even sure what it did but he took a guess and moved on.

Ryder had done the registry for the shower and had already come across some, but not all, of the items. Still, he was doing exceptionally well compared to the others because he didn't have to think about it too long. As Alex passed behind him, he saw that he was far ahead.

"Move," Sam told him, trying to get past him.

"What is this..." Julie mumbled, looking at what appeared to be an octopus except that it had about fifteen legs and the head looked more like that of a turtle than anything else. She wrote down a prize and Alex saw that she was also ahead.

It was just his luck that the topic was something which the other three had very recent experience with. All he needed was more time but he couldn't do much about it. "Or can I..?" he asked himself out loud.

"What was that?" asked Sam, who was standing beside him.

"Oh nothing," said Alex, continuing to look around at the items. "I was just remembering about that time that Julie had sex with Jake."

"What?" exclaimed Sam, Julie and Ryder. Alex smiled and continued to jot down items. They had about a minute left.

Sam turned to Julie and said, "I thought it was just a fling."

"Yeah," Julie nodded. "It was."

"A fling in which sex was involved?" Ryder asked. "How am I just learning this?"

Kitty rolled her eyes. "You two must be idiots because we make jokes about it all the time," she said.

"But I thought those were jokes in the way that everyone says you and Dan had sex in high school," Ryder responded.

"What?" exclaimed Kitty. "That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I hang out with Luke."

"Hey!" Luke exclaimed. "That's not—"

"Baby," said Shana, giving him one of her pins in hopes of him shutting up so she could see how it all played out.

"Thirty seconds," Bree warned them softly, though she was smiling because only Alex had paid attention.

"Yeah, because you were so close and spent time alone!" Sam told her. He turned to Julie and said, "Is there anyone else you've slept with that I don't know about?"

"Uh, no!" Julie exclaimed. "I mean, you know about Sebastian right?"

"Unfortunately," Ryder said from behind her. "But I thought the other one was seriously just a joke. You and Jake?"

"Why do you even care?" Sam asked him.

"Why do you?" Julie asked Sam in response.

Kitty rolled her eyes. "Why do any of you care?"

"Time!" Bree exclaimed with a chuckle. "And I bet I know who didn't win."

Julie looked down at her sheet, which was half empty. The others were also terribly unfinished, while Alex had managed to get through almost every item.

"I'll just have to check these for accuracy," Andy said, shooting a look at Bree, who was giving Alex a high-five as he returned to their group.

"That was so wrong!" Amity told them from her team's corner of the living room. "You purposefully got them fighting!"

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