Chapter 14: Baby Shower

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I wrote a much longer chapter than I expected to so I'm just going to split it into two and skip the filler chapter that I had planned after this. That means we're closer to the Halloween special (if you follow me on Tumblr-- you've gotten A LOT of hints on what will happen as well as seen/participated in the creation of a Hogwarts fic!)


"Dude," Stefan said as he walked into Bree's house pushing a very large gift through the door. Sam was behind him, waiting for him to get through. "I had the strangest dream," Stefan continued. "Everyone was super sexual but childish at the same time. And they kept talking to these invisible people. And Santana declared her love to Brittany and I went to the park with Shea and you and the other guys played pranks on the new guy!"

"Stefan, all of that happened," said Sam as they made it through the door. "Minus the childish sex thing. That's very weird and I think you should seek counseling."

Stefan made a face, now more confused than he'd ever been before. "Oh," he said, mostly because he wasn't sure that any other answer would work at the moment.

The two walked into the living room, where Marley was surrounded by gifts. "This is so nice everybody!" she exclaimed. When she saw Stefan's gift, her eyes lit up. "What is that?" she asked him curiously.

"Ah ah," he shook his head. "You'll have to wait until it's time to open presents."

"But..." Marley groaned. "Fine! But just so you know, you aren't being mean to just me. You're also being mean to my baby."

"But I'll still be favorite uncle, right?" Stefan asked. While they began to bicker about that, Sam searched the room for Julie and spotted her with Kitty, Bree and Ryder.

"So Jake isn't coming then?" Julie was saying.

Kitty shook her head. "He has to stay home with Riley, who is beyond grounded right now. She's been sneaking out of school and refuses to tell us where to... Or who with..."

"Wow, that's awful," Julie frowned.

"Give it sixteen years," Bree told her. "All teenage girls behave like that."

"I didn't," Julie told her defensively. "I had my ups and downs but I never skipped school like that."

"Well I did," Bree crossed her arms. "And if not all, then maybe half of all girls do. So since you're having twins you should expect to have to deal with at least one of them being like Riley."

"What's going on?" Sam asked as he joined the conversation. 

"Parenting is hard," Kitty responded. She gave him a look and then turned to Julie to say, "It's a good thing I'm not trying to do it alone, huh?"

She stood up and Bree followed her towards the kitchen. Sam, Ryder and Julie remained, so Sam took a seat beside Julie and asked, "Have you heard from John and Alex?"

"John and Leila made a detour to pick up some extra plates for us at the grocery store," Ryder explained. "Alex..?"

He turned to Julie for an explanation but she shrugged. "Kitty picked me up," she said. "So I have no idea when Alex plans on getting here. He was on the phone with Tracy for a while before she went on to do a show and... He shouldn't be long, I don't think."

"Ok!" Bree chimed as she walked back with Marley beside her, Kitty and Stefan standing shortly behind them. "Obviously we are still waiting on several others but thanks for helping me finish setting up. Guys, it's time for you to get the hell out!"

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