Chapter 71: It Happened in April, Part 1

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I'm trying to post as much as possible so here's another chapter. It's divided into two parts because it was SO long so I'll post the next part soon. Note that we are time traveling a little bit so all of the stuff in the next two chapters will be from before the fourth book. Read, vote, comment, and mostly enjoy! These were really fun to write :)

Friday, April 15, 2016 -- STANFORD UNIVERSITY

Julie stood in front of Sam, watching his face slowly hang down after receiving a slap from her. She didn't want to do it but he was relentless.

"Go home," she told him. "Go get your fiancee back. And get it through your head—" He looked back up at her, wanting her to change her mind and stop her sentence there. But she didn't. "—that we are never going to work out again."

She took a step back and he took a step toward her, but the way she winced as he neared towards her made him take that step back.

"I'm sorry," she continued. "But I have to go now. Please don't contact me ever again. This is hard enough already."

Julie began to run and Sam extended an arm out, as though that would somehow do something to stop her. But she never wanted to see him again and there was nothing he could do to change that. He put the ring he had just used to propose to her back into his pocket and walked away before any students passed by and saw him.

After making it back to the ground level, he made his way across the courtyard. Several students stared at him but luckily none of them ran up to him or took pictures, not that he could tell anyway. As he rounded the dormitory building, he found John leaning against its brick wall. 

"I'm guessing the talk didn't go so well," he said. 

Sam didn't answer him. He continued to walk and John put an arm around him, joining him in silence and hoping this had at least been the closure that they both needed.

Meanwhile, Kitty waited upstairs in Julie's dorm. She had tried to watch what was happening through the window but Julie had taken Sam somewhere else, so she wasn't able to be nosy. Not long after, the door burst open and Julie walked inside.

She didn't get a chance to ask any questions because as soon as Julie closed the door, she sunk down to the ground and burst into tears. Kitty rushed to her side, kneeling down beside her. She put her arms around her friend and asked, "What happened? Why are you like this?"

Julie didn't answer, knowing whatever she tried to say wouldn't come out. She buried her face in Kitty's chest and continued to cry, glad she at least had a friend there to help her get through it.


Saturday, April 16, 2016 

"Wakey, wakey... Hey, princess, get up already... Vasquez?"

She opened her eyes and nearly fell off the bed by how quickly she got up. "Alex?!" she exclaimed. "How the hell did you get in my room?"

"The door was... open..." Alex rolled his eyes. "Ok fine. I picked the lock when no one was looking. Which concerns me for your safety. They should have cards like in hotel rooms at these places. Campus rape is a huge issue."

Julie sat at the edge of her bed, covering herself with her blanket, and asked, "So are you here just to make me feel unsafe at school or..?"

"Nah," he sighed. He took one of her pillows and lied down comfortably over it, his head next to her covered lap. "Comfy bed," he added.


"Ok, ok, fine," he said, sitting up. "That little feline friend of yours told Dan that Sam and John came by and that you were in a pretty messed up place. So I got on a plane since I happen to have an unlimited allowance and don't give a fuck about school at this point. She was here earlier and she's the one who actually let me in but Vince was in the area, apparently, so they met up and I stayed here. Surprise!"

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