"Eventually, I think."

"Good." She says before turning walking off.

"Whoa where you going?" He asks.

"To find my sister and make sure she's ok." She states a fact.

"Are you gonna just leave me here?" He asks.

"You pulled me off a cliff." She states and I couldn't help but laugh at the two of them. They both turn to where I was in jaguar form sitting on a rock. I slowly turned human and laughed as I held my bleeding side.

"You two, I swear, you two argue like an old married couple." I slowly get to my feet and grimace at the pain, pulling my hand away I looked at my slowly healing wounds and my ruined shirt. "Damn, I liked this shirt." Looking back up both of my friends were staring at me. "What?"

"Your alive?" Liam says and I stare at him.

"That's what you say to the person who just saved your life?" I asked and looked at Hayden. "Nice to see your up and about." I say and she nods.

"You to." She turns around I call out.

"A simple thank you wouldn't go astray to the two people who saved your life."

"This time." She calls.

"Who saved it last time?" Liam asks and she stops.

"Theo." A growl worked its way past my lips as I watched Hayden walk away.

"Where have you been?" Liam asks from his rock and I stare at him before walking forward and touching his chest.

"Does it really matter? Everyone's more worried about Theo and the three other chimeras he brought back from the dead." I saw his injuries and healed them in an instant before removing my hand, ignoring the sparks.

He stares at me before slowly sitting up and moving his feet. "You-."

"Healed you? Yeah my powers increased on top of the fact that I turn into a black jaguar. It's awesome, plus I don't have to worry about experiencing your pain anymore." He stares at me as I stare back, shrugging my shoulders I turn away. "Don't tell Scott about this."

Before he could say anything I changed form and ran away into the night to let my injuries heal.


The next day I spent it training. Push ups, sit ups, punching a dummy, chin ups. Getting back into shape and working off some stress I was feeling. That night I dressed in black shorts and a green top and matched it with black boots.

Riding my bike I went to sinema in hopes to find Hayden but instead I saw Theo and Josh, another undead chimera. I sat there on my bike and took my helmet off as I watched them, listening to them.

"How much did you take Josh?" Theo asks.

"A lot. I don't feel a thing." The teenager answers.

"You won't your body heals to fast."

"Yeah? Then maybe you should've left me dead." Josh answers back.

Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam Dunbar) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now