I sighed in relief as I entered the building and went to my locker where I found Liam waiting for me. "Hey," I say and his face lights up as he greets me with a kiss. "How's your dad? He get enough sleep?" He shrugs as I get my books.

"Yeah he's ok, could do with better hours though," he drops his arm over my shoulders as mason walks up beside me. "Hey mason," Liam greets.

"Hey guys, this is the one I was telling you about," he says and my mood dims a little. Mason got trapped in the school with Lydia when Kate turned Scott into a berserker. They were held here by a different berserker and now he is obsessed with finding answers. We agreed not to tell him because then it puts his life at risk and Scott said no.

"I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany cost me two hundred bucks but it was totally worth it." We were walking to class, history, as Liam dropped his arm and grabbed my hand instead.

"Still reading about this stuff?" Liam asks a bit harshly and I squeeze his hand in warning but he ignores me.

"I was attacked by an armoured plated giant wearing a bear skull, it left an impression. Look, have you ever seen anything like this?" he shows us a picture of a berserker and I feel Liam tense behind me. Turning I gave him a smile which he returns before we both turn back to Mason.

"Ah no never," Liam says before walking away and pretty much pulled me with him.

"And then there's this whole section about the Nagual, have you ever heard the name Tez, Tezcat." Liam and I look and before I could help it I spoke.

"Tezcatlipoca," mason stared at me as I realized what I just it. "Nah, nah never heard of him." I said before hurrying into the classroom and taking a seat in the second row in the middle with Mason diagonal to my left and Liam behind me. Or so I thought.

He made a sound and I turned to see him staring at the girl beside him, "great." He said as she blew a bubble from her gum. I turned to Mason as he gave me a look of shock and amusement. Liam looked around and I was so confused I didn't know what to do.

"Liam," Mr Yukimura said "your not going to just stand there are you?"

"Maybe," he said and I knew then that these two had a history. I felt jealousy over come me but I tried to control it.

"The whole semester?"

"Maybe," he said again.

"Liam have a seat," Liam sat down and a sound came from behind me. Slowly turning around I saw the gum the girl was chewing was now on pants. He gave the girl a look as she smiled innocently causing Liam to make one of his 'I don't know what to do' faces. I quickly turned to the front of the class controlling my heart beat thumping heart.

My phone buzzed and I saw it was from my mum. 'Sorry we missed your first day at school be home tomorrow, read some more on La Loba tonight. Xx.' Smiling I quickly texted back.

'Ok will do, see you tomorrow xx hope you had fun.' Then I got one from Mason.

'There is nothing going on with Liam and Hayden.' Turning to him I shot him a look.

'I'm not jealous if that's what you mean,' I texted back.

'You said that not me.'

Bending or Breaking (S05 Liam Dunbar) Book 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora