Chapter 1: Best Man Fiasco

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WHY is that poor excuse for a human being the best man for the wedding?” Ninz howled when Jans told her over Skype that Donghae was the best man in the wedding. “Aren't you going to have a Korean style wedding? Why do you need a main of honor and a bride's maid?” she had to ask.

“We are having a Filipino-style wedding there next year. For this year, we are having a Korean wedding. On our first anniversary, we plan to have our Filipino wedding.” Jans was very calm these days. It was making Ninz' teeth hurt trying to bit back the retort about Donghae being a devil and that he would burst into flames if he was every allowed near a church.

“If I didn't love you guys, I wouldn't go anywhere near that d*ckwad.” Ninz was uncharacteristically cursing.

“Tulak ng bibig, kabig ng dibdib.” Jans sang a line from a song that talked about a person who said one thing and meant another. Like a person saying he hated someone but actually loved him.

“Shut up! Or I am really not going to Korea to help you with your house.” Jans had asked her to go to Korea for a month to help her decorate the townhouse that she would live with Sungmin. “Tell me again why you can't live with the Lees in their huge already furnished mansion?”

“Sungmin wants to have a family soon. And...” Jans blushed.

“Dear God. You are actually shy around your in-laws about that?” Ninz asked.

“You are one to talk. I am not the only virgin in this conversation!” Ninz blushed too. She remember something that she forgot to tell her friend.

Jans was the only virgin in this conversation.

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