Chapter 30 -- Danika's Wolf Takes A Stand

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Then I heard my wolf whining for me to shift since she enjoyed it so much. I told her to wait just a moment, but that I would.

"I don't want to have sex with you," I told Stephen's wolf looking him right in the eye. He just looked back at me and 'woofed' at me a little playfully. He wasn't apologetic at all, but he understood my wishes.

My wolf was squirming, she really couldn't wait. Sighing I stepped back and removed my clothes while the wolf stared at me. I could see his member getting hard and sticking out a little from his sheath. I just sighed as I transformed into my wolf, she could take care of herself. I let my wolf have the reins and she 'woofed' at Stephen who stood there watching me.

She 'woofed' again and Stephen's wolf just stood there. My wolf seemed to understand even if I didn't and she started to trot down the path, pretending to be unconcerned. I heard Stephen following me as we trotted along, my wolf tried to ignore him as she noticed all the sounds in the forest, felt the earth, smelled all the scents of all the wildlife. We were in our element. We continued that way for about a half hour and got nearer to the pack house. Stephen suddenly jumped over us showing off, then landed and faced us blocking our path. My wolf just huffed at him dismissively and trotted around him.

"Stop Mate!" Stephen's wolf shouted at us.

My wolf didn't even look at him and continued down the path, totally ignoring him. Stephen suddenly tackled me, biting my neck and holding me down. My wolf was very calm and refused to respond to him, laying there passively. This was not what Stephen's wolf wanted. And it dawned at me that my wolf was punishing her mate. THIS was his punishment, even though she was had initially been excited to see him. He was being a jerk, and had disrespected us yesterday.

Stephen let us go and stood over us. My wolf just laid there on the ground.

"Submit," Stephen said. My wolf continued to lay there just looking bored, and she was actually quite calm. Stephen just growled at her but stood there not knowing what to do. My wolf suddenly leapt up and shook out her fur and started trotting off without looking at him. Stephen tackled us to the ground again, biting my neck even harder. I just watched this play out. My wolf laid on the ground again looking bored. After a minute or so she leapt up again and started down the path.

"Mate, stop!" Stephen's wolf shouted at us.

"Or what? What will you do to your mate?" My wolf whirled around growling facing an astonished Stephen. "I'm not afraid of you, bastard!"

Stephen's wolf growled and advanced toward us. I was in awe of my wolf, she wasn't afraid of him for some reason.

"Submit!" Stephen growled.

"No!" my wolf replied standing firm. "Kill me then mate," she growled at him. I was shocked and not a hundred percent behind this plan, but she already issued her ultimatum and I needed to absolutely support her.

"Mate!" Stephen's wolf shouted astonished, he didn't know what to do. We had shocked him.

"You threatened my human you ass!" my Mate shouted. "She was afraid of you. Is that how you show your dominance, threating those weaker than you?" My wolf was relentless. "Is that my brave warrior, my mightly Alpha?" she sneered.

"Kill me then Mate," my wolf challenged again.

Stephen studied her a moment, "My human apologized."

"Not good enough, ass," my wolf replied, standing her ground. I was feeling a little uneasy.

Stephen's wolf pawed at the ground, looking down. He didn't want to do it, had never done it.

The Avestan Viewer -- A Wolf Love StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu