Chapter 1 -- Dreams Become Reality

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The dream... the same dreams...

I saw my mate's face look up at me as he flicked his tongue across my pleasure spot. His eyes were mesmerizing, a glowing grey color, and he had a muscular, handsome face, I loved that face. Smirking he lowered his mouth and started to suck and nibble on my pleasure spot while looking into my eyes, harder and faster until I was overcome with a wave of pleasure. I arched my back and grabbed a fistful of his short, wavy brown hair with hints of grey at the temples. It felt like silk, but I just wanted to rip it out. I was right on the edge, so close, so very close to my climax. And all I wanted was his huge cock inside of me. Panting, I moaned loud, and he shoved his finger inside of me, curving slightly upwards. I bucked at the intense and sudden pleasure, and groaned louder while he pressed me down with his huge hand.

God, I wanted to cum! I wanted it harder and faster and deeper, I wanted to be stretched out, I wanted to feel his hard, hot, twitching cock thrusting in me and making me burn. And I wanted...

The blare of the alarm clock cut through my hazy dream, I woke up sweating and panting- again. Dammit! I thought to myself as I rolled over on my back and groaned. This had to stop, I couldn't take it anymore. For years I had these types of dreams, my 'mate' was in these dreams- or so I liked to think. My pulse was racing, my core was so wet, I just reached out and rubbed myself so I could climax. But it was only a shadow of what my dreams felt like, but I had to finish what 'he' started. Dammit! It wasn't the same, but I soon felt the soft waves of my climax pulse through me. It reminded me of ocean waves hitting the shore, but my dream orgasms felt like a monsoon. I sighed, it would have to be enough.

After my shower I stretched and got ready for my run, I enjoyed running on Saturday mornings and after several years of being sexually frustrated I became very physically fit. I tried to be intimate with other wolves from my pack, but I couldn't ever finish what I tried to start. Our pack was very liberal, we often had to wait a long time to find our mates so it was expected that we would be sexually active. Both male and female wolves had a healthy and high sex drive, and when you found your mate it was supposed to be wonderful. It didn't matter if you weren't a virgin, it just made sex more fun that way.

I didn't want to be known as a tease, I didn't want to lead on my partners and so years ago I started declining the offers. No man ever could compare to my dream mate. It was totally unfair, I was sexually aroused almost all the time, and I just couldn't have sex with anyone who wasn't my dream mate. But this had to stop, it had been ten years so far and that would cause even the most grounded wolf to go nuts. So I ran. I ran out my apartment door, and I ran and ran and ran through the woods, and around the fields and paths that led to the nearby lake. Vancouver Lake in Washington State is a fun area, I am a city wolf, but we had our territory like any other pack. I had to put my time after work patrolling our territory just like other wolves, I had to put a lot of time into training and learning fighting techniques to be prepared, and I was strong. I loved having my own place, we could choose to live in the pack house or have our own place. We generally lived in a close area near the lake, but we could choose where we wanted to live.

Being part wolf made me part wild. It took a lot of self-control to be in charge of my wolf, and she generally stayed in the background and was quiet. I had to let her run as often as possible to release her pent up sexual frustration as well. She was a strong fighter, and was pretty big for a she-wolf.

I was panting as I ran fast, I was almost to the lake when I heard a strange male voice in my head yell at me in a powerful voice, "STOP! Jump back!". And I stopped immediately by digging in my heels, coming to an abrupt stop just as a car sped past me. I had to push off with my hands to avoid hitting the car. I only caught a glimpse of the driver, but he was a young wolf wearing dark shades. He was looking right at me in his mirror, and just sped away after he nearly hit me.

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