Chapter 15 -- Wedding? Wait, What?

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When I woke up I was in bed, dressed in a nice short cotton gown. Stephen was working at his desk setup in our room, reading and writing something on the computer. I must have made a movement since he looked up at me. He got up immediately and walked over to sit on the bed, brushing my hair back from my face.

"Love, you're finally awake. I've been waiting for you." I tried to speak but my voice was hoarse, I needed some water. "Here, love, drink this," he said and he reached over to get a glass of water that had a straw. He lifted me up gently around my shoulders so I could take a drink. I closed my eyes and swallowed, it felt so good.

"How do you feel? I linked Dr. Tosell and she's on her way over. You gave me a big scare, Danika. I've been waiting for you to wake up so you can tell me what happened." He laid me back down and held my hand. I reached up with my other hand, and shook as I felt Stephen's cheek. There were dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't slept much, and I was sorry for it. I sighed with contentment, he was safe.

Remembering suddenly, I asked him urgently, "Is our pup ok?" I relaxed when Stephen smiled and put his hand on my large stomach and shook his head 'yes'. "You are both fine, according to the Doc. Love, it's a boy. Doc says it's a boy!" Stephen was so happy. "Either a boy or a girl is fine with me, love, you know I would love both. I would love to have several of each." He looked at me intensely for a few minutes stroking my hand, but not noticing that I blanched at the idea of so many children.

"How long was I out?" I asked changing the subject.

"Three days, love. You've been sleeping for three days, and you started to wake up about two hours ago. I heard you start to mumble things. Danika, what happened?"

I remembered and shuddered. Stephen remained silent as I put my thoughts in order. "The Idiot stopped time again, he froze the entire room. Then he sat down and poured a nice glass of wine. Wine, can you believe it!" I breathed deep for a minute to calm my wolf down, then continued. "He was trying to provoke me, get me angry, but I figured out that's what he wanted. And then he started to describe these dreams that I must have been having my whole life- only I never knew Stephen. I swear I never knew!" Stephen just rubbed my hand and arms to soothe me. And it worked.

"Zeke then just kept talking about these dreams like he has had them too, and all of the sudden I started to watch these dreams like they were a weird movie pieced together from all these fragments. He triggered my hidden memories of them, and it was a strange dream, Stephen. It really was a vision, or a series of visions. I don't know. I was told some things, shown some things, then I was given the gift of the silver-blue electric flames, Stephen. And I knew what the bastard was up to, I just knew. He can't succeed, he just can't or it will destroy the entire world." I began hyperventilating, and Stephen leaned back against the headboard and pulled me on his lap. He ran his hand up and down my back, it was very soothing.

"Continue," he said and rubbed his chin on my head.

"I just had to stop him, Stephen. HE was the one who had that man try to kill me at my old pack. HE was the one behind the pictures and the assassin boats. Zeke has been behind it all, like we're puppets. I was so full of rage, I couldn't contain it Stephen. It was like I was someone else, I got this amazing strength from somewhere and threw the bastard out the window." I stopped and asked for some more water. After I drank a little I gave the glass back to Stephen.

"I wanted to kill him Stephen, without any hesitation or remorse. I wanted to, I was consumed by such hate, I wanted to..." I started crying a little bit, the whole thing was pretty traumatic.

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