Chapter 7 -- Jail

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After eating a hearty dinner, we both took a shower together- and then another one after he took me quickly against the wall. He made sure to slide soap all over my breasts, and to make sure I received as much pleasure as he did. And I made sure to rinse his dick off completely and suck it dry. Well at least suck it until he got all sticky again. Then wash off all over again. Afterwards, we changed into comfortable sweats and went downstairs to get an update on the 'op'. I was curious by now and sat quietly next to Stephen as we teleconferenced with the Tyler who was on his way back.

"Sorry you missed all the fun, Alpha," Tyler shouted above what sounded like helicopter blades.

"I wouldn't say that..." Stephen dryly replied.

Tyler ignored his comment and started shouting his report. Apparently the 'target', who was a middle-aged hydro engineer who was on a fact finding visit to begin plans for a turbine dam across the largest river in the area. This man was rescued without incident, and was whisked away to a waiting helicopter for 'extraction'. The team was flying in two helicopters and was heading to an airport on a private island , then flying back to the states on a chartered jet. Each team member was given a choice to take an expense-paid vacation in Florida or return home. The team was split between mated wolves and single wolves, and the single wolves wanted to party- and were always looking for their mate.

"We'll see you when you get here, Tyler. Excellent job bro!" Stephen shouted over the helicopter noise and Tyler shook his head goodbye. Turning off the computer, he sat back in his chair and reached out and took my hand. Nibbling on my knuckles he looked right into my eyes.

"Questions, love?"

"Not right now, Stephen, but I'm sure I'll have some later." We walked back upstairs and Stephen turned on a stereo and started playing some old-fashioned records. I listened to Sting, Steely Dan, and Pink Floyd among many others and I wandered around the cabin looking at everything. I enjoyed the way the records sounded, it's different than a cd. Looking around I found a bookcase with many old and new books, and I picked up a mystery that looked interesting. Stephen busied himself by making a fire and after it was going we both sat on a nearby couch and just read for a while. Stephen chose a horror book, and we snuggled up next to each other. The silence was nice, we didn't need to fill it up with talk all the time. Occasionally one of us would ask a question, and we spent time to start to get to know one another. I had some decisions to make soon, but I couldn't think of those problems when I was enjoying my mate this evening.

We stayed at the cabin for another two days, then had to return. Stephen was in contact with his pack, and it appeared that he delegated wisely and left the day-to-day running of pack business to his 'betas' as he called them. He had territorial 'betas', and functional 'betas'- which means each area had a beta in charge of keeping the peace, settling minor disputes, and taking care of emergencies; while services like child welfare and inter-pack business were managed by another set of betas. Tyler was in charge of the 'special ops', and was Stephen's second in command. Stephen was in constant contact with each team member, yet rarely interfered with their decisions. There was certainly a military atmosphere in the pack house, but it was also slightly relaxed due to the presence of family members.

Children were all around the compound, but generally stayed out of the Command Center. The children were bussed to the Hoodsport schools and integrated with the world. After school, the children participated in mandatory fight and weapons training, but it also served to allow them to let off steam since they couldn't participate in sports. It wouldn't be fair to the humans to have the stronger werewolves play against them. And young werewolves had a lot of energy. Teenagers started to patrol the territories at thirteen, they were paired with experienced men and women fighters and learned how to defend themselves against rogues. The peninsula shape kept many rogues away, but occasionally one would be spotted and usually killed. I never liked the killing of rogues, but that was the way of our people. We had to keep the pups and families safe- and most rogues suffered from blood-lust which made them unstable.

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