I Miss You-P1 (Jack)

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You sit in your bed, a headache pounding throughout your brain, making you grit your teeth as you cover your eyes with your sweaty palms. Not only have you been experiencing headaches, but you've also been feeling completely drained from your lack of sleep, since Jack had actually left, or so you pinpointed it.

He returns in about three weeks, but for you, that meant three more weeks, twenty one more days, with an astonishing 504 hours of being exhausted. Yes, 504!

Jack had been sweet enough to call you every one-three days, so at least if he misses out on one due to shows or rehearsals, that he would call you eventually, yet you wouldn't tell him of your version of suffering.

Just then, your mobile phone rang, making you jump from the awfully loud noise that erupts through your empty room, so you reach your arm out, picking up the phone without checking the caller ID.

   "Hello?" You ask groggily into the mobile.

You hear breathing from the other end, loud breathing.

   "Hello?" You repeat, feeling annoyance from the caller.

Just then, you make out faint sobs from the background of the caller.

   "Is this Jack Barakat's parter?" A feminine voice asks through the mobile.

   "Yes, what's wrong?" You question, clutching your head tighter from the excruciating pain.

   "It's Lisa, Alex Gaskarth's Mrs, it's an emergency." She states calmly through the phone.

You sit up, feeling a growing nervousness form in the pit of your stomach.

   "What is it?" You ask quietly.

The phone makes a noise, obviously indicating someone taking it and pressing it to their ear.

   "(Y/N)? Is this (Y/N)?" Alex's voice frantically booms through the phone.

   "Yes, Alex, what the hell is going on? I have probably the worst migraine I've ever had-" You begin, clutching your head tighter.

   "Get on the first flight to California, we've had an accident, the car crashed, it hit Jack's side really badly." He cries through the phone.

   "What?! Is he okay?" You panic, jumping out of bed in your underwear.

   "No, no it's not. Please, just get here ASAP, I gotta go, I love you, bye." He then hangs up the phone.

You lunge to your dresser, pulling on a Metallica tank top on, followed by black cargo pants, black socks and Vans, with one of Jack's grey jackets. You quickly shove your purse filled with about $800 into your pocket, along with your phone and charger, then grab a black Vans bag and fill it with a bottle of water, a few packets of sweets for the flight, and a pair of headphones with a book.

You rush down your stairs, leaping out the door and into your car, locking everything before starting your car, driving as fast as you can to the airport.

You felt a pulsing through your veins, adrenaline kicking in.

You didn't know what state Jack is in, but you did know one thing;

You had to get there.

Part 2 will be up later today, as always, thank you for reading.

Peace out, Hustlers!

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