Chapter 29 -- More Fun & Secrets Revealed

Start from the beginning


I woke the next morning laying down with my clothes on and covered with my blanket, I could see the early sunlight coming into the room. Stephen was behind me and held me around the waist. I could hear his heartbeat, and knew he was awake. I listened for Matt but he was still sleeping. I wondered how long Stephen had been awake? We just laid there together, neither one of us moving, I didn't know how to act around him at this moment. I wasn't afraid now, but didn't know how to start any conversation. I hadn't been really afraid of Stephen like that before, it reminded me of the volatile wolf he was. He was one of the most dangerous men in the world, but his control was so great I forgot that- and I wouldn't again.

"I know you're awake Danika," he said behind me. I just stayed quiet.

Stephen sighed and pulled on my shoulder so I was laying on my back and could look at him, which I did with a neutral face. My blocks were back up for my thoughts, but I shared my emotions. I wanted that at least.

Stephen ran his finger down my face, but I remained immobile. "I'm sorry for scaring you," he said as he ran his hand down my neck and to the sleeve of my shirt.

"I don't know what to say Stephen."

Sighing he continued, "My wolf just jumped forward, he... lunged before I could stop him. I'm sorry for scaring you." He continued to look at me, needing a reaction but I didn't know what to do. I had never experienced a raging Alpha totally focused on me before. I dropped my barrier and let him hear my thoughts. There's nothing else I could do.

Stephen shifted and climbed over me pinning me to the bed, he was only wearing his briefs. He took my hands and linked our fingers, then raised my hands over my head.

"I've never lost control like that before, just the thought..." Stephen stopped abruptly and shut his eyes. "Just the thought of you with someone else fills me with this burning rage." He opened them and looked at me, then slowly lowered his face and kissed me softly. I returned the kiss, letting him hear and feel everything inside of me. I thought he needed it.

Stephen smiled softly, "I'm sorry."

"I know." I didn't know what else to say. For the first time he had really frightened me, I couldn't get over the shock of it.

Stephen suddenly pulled his hands away and grabbing my hips flipped us over so I was on top. "I accept your punishment," he said hopefully.

I looked at him, "I don't want to punish you Stephen, I want to understand you."

"Well I'd rather have your punishment." I looked at him but wasn't going to be led in that direction. I kissed his lips softly and pushed slowly off of him. I stood up and looked at Matt's door.

"I need to check on him."

"He's still sleeping, you know that." I just stood there, I wanted to leave and let Stephen hear that.

"Go ahead, I'll take care of Matt this morning." I nodded 'yes' to him and left the room. I went downstairs and there were only a few wolfs up at this early hour. I went through the back door and into the back patio. It was a nice patio, and overlooked a large sloping yard. There was a nice view of the Olympic mountains from there, so I pulled up a chair and just sat down. It wasn't really cold, and I could relax here. I wouldn't need my bodyguards since I was just sitting on the patio, but I saw Mave a minute later looking out the backdoor for me.

Sighing I said, "Good morning."

Mave looked over to the side and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Alpha sent me."

The Avestan Viewer -- A Wolf Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now