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 *********3 YEARS LATER:**************

"Good morning baby girl," Hayden whispered in my ear. I smelled something good. Like pancakes. I open my eyes and groan as I roll over to look at him. He had a huge smile on his face, looking at the 4 heart shape pancakes on this little patter with a couple of pieces of bacon.

"Hayden!" I smiled.

"Happy birthday princess." Hayden and I have been together for about 3 years now. I loved him more and more every day. He was no doubt the love of my life.

"Thanks, handsome prince." I sat up and kissed his lips. Just a small kiss yet I felt the butterflies. I couldn't stop the smile from sitting on my lips.

"You have a lunch date with Katie and a dinner date with Hayden and Grandma and Grandpa." His grandparents stepped in and adopted me as one of their own. His grandma and I had a weekly Sunday brunch. She never tried to replace my gram but she was always there for me.

"Sounds amazing." I giggled and leaned forward hugging him so tight.

"If you don't let go, I'm going to die." I instantly let go, and we were both laughing and then we ate the wonderful breakfast he made for me.

"Thank you so much, this is the best birthdays ever." I smiled, laying cuddled up to his chest.

"I hope so honey," He giggled, and I felt the vibrations on my head.

"I love the sound of your laugh. It's nice." I laughed at my own words, but it's true. His laugh was intoxicating and I wanted to hear it for the rest of my life.

"Thanks, beautiful. Better go get ready for Katie. There's a little something in the bathroom for you. I happily kiss him as a thank you. He tasted like maple syrup.

Sitting on the bathroom counter was a beautiful purple dress with a sweetheart neckline and a cute brown belt for around the waist. Not to mention there was a ton of new bath and body works. Hayden knew the way to my heart. I ran to the door. He was in his underwear about to change. I jumped onto his back. "You are the best boyfriend in the entire world. I love you so much honey," I yelled in his year.

"Awe, you're welcome babes. I love you so much. I'm glad you like it." He said, turning me around so I was facing him. We started into each other's eyes for a minute, before I smashed my lips on his, hungrily. He quickly responded. Before long we were both nude.

"I like birthday sex." I giggled as I laid my head on his chest.

"We can have as much as you like later." He said in a husky voice.  I turned deep red and left to go to take a quick shower so I could go meet Katie.


"Hey, there gorgeous," Katie calls, waiting for me at the end of the street.

"Hey beautiful," I say, making my way to hug her. "I missed you!"

"You look hot as fuck!" She cried.

"Damn, look at you chicka." She looked good, wearing high heel brown boots, with an adorable white sundress.

"Happy birthday Emily." She said, hugging me again.

"Thanks, shall we have lunch?"  She nodded, and we got a table at my favorite little diner. 


it was now dinnertime. I was really happy to see my adopted grandparents. Hayden looked amazing in his tight black tux. I still wore what he got me, the dress was so pretty and comfortable. The waiter said dinner would arrive in twenty minutes, Hayden and his grandpa went to the bathroom. It seemed odd to me but I didn't question it. What I did question was how excited Hayden's grandma looked. When his grandpa came back and Hayden didn't, I got a little worried.

"Where's Hayden?"

"He'll be back soon, don't fret it little one." He always called me little one, but won't ever tell me why he calls me little one.

Then Hayden came back, but he didn't sit down. Instead, he got down on one knee. Tears immediately started to fall. He looked up at me. He looked me directly in the eyes.

"Emily, I love you with my heart and soul. I never thought I would find someone as amazing and beautiful as you. I know we both a hard past, and we have our bad days, bad fights, but I never wanna lose you. I want your promise that you will love me through all the bad days, all the bad days, all the good days, and all the meh days. Emily, will you make me the happiest man in the galaxy and marry me?"

"Duh, you sweetheart!" I laughed through my tears and hugged onto him. I kissed him hard, tasting a little bit of salt from my tears. "I love you to the moon and back honey," I said.

I smiled to myself. I'm finally marrying the man of my dreams.



A/N: I really hope everyone liked this story. It was my first, so ignore it if it was horrid. I added a picture of Emily's wedding dress, mainly because I wanted to, but also because I really liked it. As I finished this book, I thought about how much I've grown since I started this book. Like, it hasn't even been a full year, and I really just have changed so much. Yea, anyway, I'm going to be starting another book if you wanna drop by and read it. I don't know when I'm going to start it, but anyway, votes and comments are always loved!! <3 Love you guys, and THIS BOOK MADE IT TO 1K READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S AMAZING, I NEVER DREAMED IT WOULD GET PAST 400! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!! <3 Much love, Emily

2020 update: hi again guys :) I changed some stuff that I felt should be changed, I'm soo happy with what I've done. I'm okay with the book and how it turned out. It is what it is, I had fun rewriting it and I think I really did improve the book. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy! - xo Emily

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