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I have been kind my entire life. I have attempted to never harm anyone yet all I get in return is people trying to ruin me. It's almost as if nothing I ever do is good enough for anyone. All I truly want is to be good enough for someone. I don't understand why all this has to happen to me. My pity party thoughts were broken by a soft cry. "What's wrong?" I ask Jonathan softly. 

"Nothing. I'm fine." He said even softer. Poor boy. I wish I could just hug him, but I didn't want to offend him. I observed him, looking at the dark circles under his eyes. The way his jawline was so sharp but his smile lines were soft. He also had a small scar above his left eyebrow. 

"No. Tell me. I've been told I'm a good listener," I say with a small smile. 

"Fine," He said giving me a sad smile with tears still coming down his cheeks. "My ex-girlfriend, Nicole, just sent me a picture of her new boyfriend. She was supposedly trying to send it to her best friend. She was going to cheat on me with him. And he's better looking than me." Jonathan wiping his stray tears. Nicole, she was way prettier than me, with her Long black hair, with a strip of blue. Her sparkly blue-green eyes. Ugh, she's so pretty. She's mean though. I don't know why a nice boy like Jonathan would want to go out with her.

"I'm sorry to-" I was cut off by the door-busting open.

"LAY ONE MORE HAND ON HER AND YOU'RE DEAD YOU BASTARD," Dylan screamed rage evident in his voice.

"Dude, hold up. I didn't touch her." Jonathan fear wavering in his voice. 

"It wasn't him. It was Ryan." I said quickly jumping up.

Dylan bolted outside. I followed him while Jonathan followed me. Suddenly it dawned on me what was about to happen as I noticed Ryan, who was flirting with some girls. Dylan marched over, his anger radiating off his body. His face red. I watched him as he punched him right in the face and kicked him in the balls. "Stay the fuck away from her, shit head." He hissed walking away. Jonathan stood behind me as we watched Dylan stalk away and Ryan fall to the ground in pain. Well, guess he got what was coming to him. 

Even Fat Girls need love.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ