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"Wait, so, you went out with some dude on the baseball team, Ashley hates you because of it, and he cheated on you for her?" Dylan asked for the tenth time tonight. I nodded my head, looking off into space. I felt Dylan's eyes on me.

"What?" I breathed out.

"You know what?"

"What do I know?"

"You're kinda hot." He smirked. The song Scream and Shout ran through my head. Breaking into my thoughts he asked, "What? Am I chop liver?"

"No, no, It's just-" I was cut off by the door being broken open. Our eyes snapped to the red broken door.

"Ashley?! What are you doing here?" Dylan asked rubbing the back of his head with his left hand.

She cut straight to the chase. "Where are my pictures? And why are y'all downstairs? Her bedroom not cute enough for you?" 

"I didn't get the pictures, because I'm not a bitch like you." I nearly choked when Dylan stood up for me.

"Silly boy, don't you call me a bitch again. You know I can ruin your life, baby," She said with a giggle. "So Dylan, how about this. I don't care about the pictures but you're my boyfriend now." She winked and grabbed Dylan's hand. Jealousy spiked in the pit of my stomach. 

"Ruin my life, go ahead. I've got way worse secrets on you anyway. I'll expose your dirty little ass if you don't let go of me, you little whore," Venom seeped into his voice. As he spoke he also ripped his hand from hers. It felt like a small victory. 

"If you don't date me I'll kill her," She said with an evil smirk.

"Me?" I laughed. "I wanted to die, so go for it."

"Sh! You could wake your mommy and daddy! Oh, wait, you don't have a family." 

"What? Wait? How did you know that?"

"I was listening to you and Dylan's little convo, I've got a tracker on him. You're never gonna have him. He's way to hot for you, hun. And he's mine, forever. You're just an ugly little piece of shit." She yelled at me. And suddenly I'd hit my breaking point. 

"Get out. Get out. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE! Take your little sex toy and get the hell out of my fucking house." Anger seeping into my bones. I gave them my best death stare and pointed to the door one last time. "Get the fuck out." I seethed. 

"Awe! Babe, did you hear? Did she call you a sex toy?" She laughed as she sauntered toward the broken door. "And she told me to get out. Looks like I did my job, I hurt the dirty troll." 

"She's not a dirty troll, and she wants us to leave. So lets." Dylan spoke coldly, leading her out of the house. I closed the door as best as I could due to it being broken.


"Dylan's POV"

I grabbed Ashley's arm as we walked to my car.  "How could you? I can't believe you! You just-" I was cut off by her laughing.

"I think that you should stop caring about a girl as worthless as Emily. She's just a waste of space! Plus when you can have me why would you need anyone else..." She said with a  huge flirty smile. 

"Don't ever talk to me again. You're truly the worthless one" I said getting in my car.

She leaned down into the window. Her lowcut shirt allowed a full view of her perky tits. "I'm telling everyone to never have sex with you again."

"I've got other sluts if I want it," I spoke coldly as I rolled the window up and sped away. 

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