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"TIME FOR SCHOOL YOU TOO!" Gram yelled from the kitchen, I bolted up to the smell of her wonderful cooking. 

"What smells so good?" Alex said, rolling over before realizing he was on the couch and fell off it with a loud thud. I cracked a smile while he groaned. After rubbing his head, he got up and went to get ready. So I went to my grandma's bathroom and got ready.  I had on a big sweatshirt of Alex's that read 'I love you and always will'  I don't know why he has this, I don't care, but it's warm and comfortable. So then I had on tights, and boots that came up to my knees that were black. It was a comfortable outfit and that's what mattered to me. So I quickly fishtail braided my hair.

"Oh, look at my beautiful grandchild!" My gram gushed.

"Gram, I'm not beautiful. I have way too many scars."

"That you gave to yourself, sweetie!" She looked at me in the eyes. She knew I cut because she caught me one night after a  really bad day. I felt numb for so long that I needed to feel something. Most of the scars on my body I did put there but there were a few from people at school and a few from my parents. 

"I know gram. Can we just leave it?" I asked, not in the mood anymore. Cracking a fake smile to make her think I was okay.

"Sure, I love you, sweetie."

Alex and I ate quickly then left for school. In the car, we had small talk until he said something cute.

"You look really cute today." He said in a quiet voice, but I still heard him.

"Thanks," I said in a small voice. A light blush covered my face.

"You always look cute though." He said confidence oozing out of him.

"Thanks, you too."

"I don't look cute!" He whined.

"Fine, you look adorable!" I cheered.

"NO, I don't, that doesn't sound manly." He whined again.

"Oh but it's okay, I like adorable idiots." I smiled at him.

"Fine." He said, kissing my hand. Then 'So Small' by Carrie Underwood came on the radio.

"Turn it up!!" I screeched. I loved this song, and it was so meaningful.

"Yeah, Yeah." I smiled softly as I whispered the lyrics.

"What you got if you ain't got love
The kind that you just want to give away
It's okay to open up
Go ahead and let the light shine through
I know it's hard on a rainy day
You wanna shut the world out and just be left alone
But don't run out on your faith."

" 'Cause sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
Is just a grain of sand
And what you've been out there searching for forever
Is in your hands
And when you figure out love is all that matters after all
It sure makes everything else seem so small

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