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I felt rather numb, I'd had way too many emotions for one day. Dylan wiped the last of his tears. As someone who cries all the time, I could tell he didn't cry often. Once I could see he was done, I asked him quietly, "Dylan, are you okay?" 

"I'm fine.. Are you?" He asked quietly. I nodded as a response. He cleared his eye of emotion, his eyes clouded but still managed to look bright and green. 

I stood up, exhaustion settling in my bones. "Can you just take me home? Please?" 

He nodded numbly. 

Once we got to my house, I jumped out and all but ran to the door. I unlocked it quickly and almost slammed the door on Dylan. I didn't realize he had followed me. He quickly came in and looked around as I slammed the door. All I wanted was to go to bed. "Nice house. Wheres our bed?" He asked while winking. I rolled my eyes. Why'd he have to switch between kind and ass all the time? 

"Look, get the fuck out of my house. I thought you said you were different. Well to me you're nothing but an ass." I screamed at him. Guilt settling in my stomach as I watched his eyes fall.

"You think that poorly of me?" He asked quieter. 

"Yes. Tonight you confessed that you're an ass. Do you think all that kind bullshit would change my mind? All you've done tonight is prove that! The only time you were somewhat nice is when you calmed me from the plane!"

"What's up with you and planes? Why are you yelling? You could wake up your mom and dad!" He asked trying to change the subject. I looked down at my feet. I was just always hoping no one would ever come to my house and find out. "Oh look, I offended little ms. Perfect!" He said mocking me. My grandma was deaf so the only way she would wake up is if she saw the lights. 

"I'm far from perfect," I replied quietly. "I'm just broken, okay?" I wanted to scream about how broken I was, but I just couldn't. The exhaustion suddenly hitting hard. 

"Broken enough that you're parents never care about you? Broken enough that you just want someone to kill you? Broken enough that you don't care about anything or anyone? Huh??? Maybe I never will understand you. But you will never understand me!" He screamed back.

"I-" I cut myself off. I didn't know what to say. I nodded. Tears building in my eyes. I felt everything he'd felt. 

"We're fucked up, Em," He said in nothing but a whisper. "But seriously, where are your parents?" He asked, looking me in the eye. 

"They died in a plane crash when I was young. I never got to say goodbye. I was mad they were leaving so I didn't say bye when they left." I stared blankly into space. 

"Damn, I'm sorry. While I've got you talking, why does Ashley hate you?" He asked softly, as if not to push me, rather just as a friend would. 

"Eric and I dated for a while," I whispered.

"Eric from the baseball team?" 

"No, Eric as in the man on the moon."

"I'm sorry, I just didn't know he was the dating type," He shrugged.

"Anyway, he actually cheated on me, with Ashley. She somehow twisted it and thinks that I stole him from her or something," I said with a shrug. This happened freshman year, so it didn't hurt too much anymore.

"And that's why she hates you?"

"Yes. She thinks I stole her man. When in reality she was the one who took my everything."

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