First Kiss

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Emily's POV.

I hate Monday, all they do is drive me crazy. Nothing good ever happens on Monday either. Monday's tend to give me headaches. I unwillingly got out of bed and pulled on a Pewdiepie T-shirt with light wash ripped jeans. I grabbed a banana and got my car keys. I got in my car and drove to hell.

I walked into school and hurried to my locker. There was that redhead. "Hey Emily!" She said all happy.

 "Morning" I replied lazily.

"What's wrong?" She said, sounding worried.

"I'm fine." I said trying to sound not upset or anything. On the way to school all I could think about is all the mean things people say to me. Plus I miss my mom and dad. I need them. 


"Yes," I reply, begging her not to push.

"Okay, I'm off to class. Bye!" She said walking away. I began walking to math. I hate having math first. Plus I suck at math.  As I turned down the middle hall I felt myself bump into a hard chest. I looked up and to say my piece when my words dried on my lip. "Emily?"

"Dylan. I'm sorry."

"Me too."

"Ooooo DIll pickle I didn't know you were dating this fat nerd." One of his football friends said.

"We don't date." I snapped.

"Bitch, don't snap at me. Or I'll ruin your sex, normal, and school life."

"Go for it ass," I said quieter.

"Don't be scared of this spoiled brat." Dylan said looking at me before disappearing into a thinning crowd of students.

"Spoiled brat? Dyl- ass?" He looked to his friend before realizing he was gone. "Huh. Guess he's not here to protect you now, is he?" He gave me a flirty toothy smile. Not really thinking I slapped him. I didn't know I had that in me.

"BRAT!" He hissed at me.

"Oops. I guess you're mad-" I was cut off by a hand hitting my face. The hand hit my face hard, and I fell back. I didn't see that coming. My ass hit the floor, and I looked up, tears in my eyes to see everyone laughing at me. Ashley looked down at me, I didn't say anything. I just looked at her, her friends. She flipped her hair over her shoulder as her girls followed her lead down the hallway. Tears brimmed my eyes.

I looked at the light blonde haired boy. His eyes filled with confusion. By then everyone was gone. It was just me and that boy. I didn't understand why he was still here. "I'm confused. Why did she hit you?"

"I'm not sure," I mumbled. 

"That's not okay..." He said trailing off.

"It is, I'm use to it." 

"I'm sor-"

"Stop! Just leave me alone. I just want to graduate and get the fuck out of this toxic town full of things that never change. Plus sorry doesn't do anything.  It doesn't change anything! Just like my mom and dad! They will NEVER come BACK!" I screamed! My hand flew to my mouth.

"I-I-I.." He stuttered as if he didn't know what to say after my outburst.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, it's just been on my mind this morning. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine, I'm Ryan by the way." He said leaning in. What is he doing? Before I could process anything he closed the gap between us and his lips were on mine. After the overall shock, I kissed him back. My first kiss wasn't Dylan.

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