"Why haven't you opened that last one?" Derek asked, our voices in a loud bickering sort of tone.

      "Because I havn't met the requirement yet, Derek! Every letter that my mom left gave me a specific thing that had to happen before being able to open it!" I said, my hands moving unnecesarily. "I'm not going to open it early because i'm going to respect my mother's wishes! When it happens, i'll open it." I ran a hand through my hair before tying it into a low, messy side bun. "It doesn't even make sense." I muttered, more to myself than anyone.

      "What's it tell you?" Derek asked, pulling around to the front of the school.

      "It said that I could open it once I did something unexplainable and it resulted in a nose bleed." I dropped my hands on to my lap. "I don't get it, but that's how it was the first time. It told me I could open it once I met someone with black eyes."

      "And that wouldn't make sense until you met a demon." Derek finished quietly before looking at me. "When did you first meet a demon?"

      I opened the car door, "That's a story for another time, preferably never."


      "Really, Derek. You weren't back at the time, you wouldn't understand." I said stiffly, watching him as I started getting out of the car.

      Derek backed off, "Okay, uh, good luck with Stiles, I guess."

      "Thanks," I replied with two meanings. It was nice to find someone who would stop prying when you told them to. "And thanks for the ride."

      "Any time." Derek shrugged off his deed as if it were nothing before I shut the door and he drove off.

      "Oh. Oh no you did not." Lydia's perfect figure clicked towards me, "You did not."

      "No, I didn't." I linked her arm with mine, "I just got a ride. Stiles was out and he called Derek to drive me to school."

      "Are you sure this is all he gave you a ride to?" Lydia asked, her tone impressed yet slightly disgusted.

      "Yes, that's all." Walking in to the school, Scott sent me a look.

      It always started with just a look that he claimed as nothing. It was his way of getting me to talk, his look causing me guilt and enough of it to tell him.

      "Do you need a ride home or has Mister Tight Pants and Leather got that covered?" Lydia teased with a judging eyebrow, letting me go as we got to our lockers.

      "I think Stiles is," I told her, unlocking my own.

      "Good, because i've got something planned." Lydia said with a devious grin. "My mom's working late."

      "Morning, love." Mathis slid up to the right side of Lydia. After kissing Lydia, he smiled over at me, "Hello. You look familiar."

      "Well, we go to school together, so..." I exchanged two of my books for others, wondering how the hell he got out from the gym.

      "No, it's something else," Mathis tapped a tan finger against his jawline.

      "It doesn't really matter," I shut my locker, knowng how Lydia would get annoyed if I kept talking to Mathis, at least, that's how she was with Jackson. With nearly no escape route, I walked around to the other side of Isaac.

      As Mathis was tugged away by Lydia, Isaac glanced down at me, "Problems?"

      "More like just one and it's that British asshole." I groweled, messing with my stack of band bracelets. I sighed, "Have you seen my idiot brother?"

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