40. The Little Moments

Start from the beginning

The semester started the second week of September but I wanted to get in early so I can get to know the campus slowly and not all at once when school starts. Also softball pre-season practices were starting too so that's another reason why I had to get in earlier.

It's May and that meant Ap tests will be taken soon. I had payed for mine a few weeks ago and the date had been set for May 5th, which was today. This morning I had waken up earlier than usual because I wanted to get some studying in. My mom had made a pretty good breakfast since she didn't want me taking the test on empty stomach. I didn't have classes the today, just one test in particular will be in front of me the entire day.

I was feeling confident about how I would do. I used every opportunity I could to look over my notes and study. I was a bit nervous but who isn't before any test like this? Once I got to school I met Camila and the rest of the squad like I usually do but instead of going to class I went to the library but not before walking Camz to her first class of today. She was also taking an Ap test but since it was on a different subject, the date was set on another day.

I took my spot on a table to the far left corner of the library and waited until everyone was here. The tests were then passed out and they explained the procedures, rules, ect. I began my exam quickly went through the first part of it with no difficulty. Science was always easy for me. I took the time to look around and I saw quite the number of students struggling. Some were still half asleep and others just stared blankly at the test.

The end of the day came and so did the end of the exam. My eyes were tired from testing all day and I couldn't help but yawn every five minutes. Also I was hungry, we had a short lunch break between the test but the school didn't have the best lunch today so I skipped the meal. I met Camila back at my car in the parking lot and went home. The car ride was filled with her asking questions about how my test went. Me being too tired to even think about it, just told her parts of the experience.

Once home, Camila went straight to the kitchen to make something to eat while I went upstairs to change out of my skinny jeans that we're suffocating my legs. The heat here was literally killing me and I thanked the heavens for shorts. I was about to go back downstairs when I saw how comfortable my bed looked. Just five minutes I told myself and then plopped down on it. I closed my eyes for what I swore was two seconds and the next time that I opened them, my girlfriend was in front of me.

"Babe wake up, I've been calling you from the kitchen for the past 10 minutes"

"W-What? I just closed my eyes for two seconds" I say in disbelief

She chuckles, "You're tired I get it. So I brought you some food" she says getting the tray from the end of my bed and placing it in front of me

"You're the best girlfriend ever, you know that?" I ask smiling

"Of course I am, I mean look at me" she says flipping her hair

I laugh and she giggles. I felt like being a lazy ass so I told her to feed me. At first she didn't want to but I knew she did and she did end up feeding me. She sneaked a piece to herself every once in awhile but I didn't mind. She was the only person I'd share food with and not make a fuss out of it.

Once the food was gone, we just started to mess around with each other. She would climb on top of me and vise-versa. I'd then tickle her until she couldn't breathe any longer and then she'd get me back. My room was filled with laughter. These were the small moments that I will cherish forever. The spending time with each other was something I enjoyed very much and that I will miss in the future.

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