33. Monitor

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Camila's Pov

These past three hours of waiting had been the longest hours of my life. I had to know if the medicine the doctors gave her had a positive effect. I didn't want Lauren to get a hole in her skull or anything that included anesthesia or a scalpel. The Jauregui's had left to the cafeteria some minutes ago and they insisted on me coming along, but I refused to leave this chair, I didn't want to miss the doctor if he came by with the results.

"Are you here for Lauren Jauregui?" The same doctor from earlier asked emerging from the halls.

"Yes, did the medicine work?" I quickly asked getting up from my chair.

"Are you family?"

"I'm her step-sister." I lied.

"Okay well thankfully the medication did work. The MRI we preformed recently proved that the amount of blood clots was reducing. Right now she's asleep due to shock, the treatment, and the morphine we gave her for the pain, but you could go see her, just ask the nurse up front and she'll give you her room information." He explained professionally.

"Okay thank you so much Dr. Shepard."

"Your welcome, please notify your parents when they come back."

"I'll make sure of that."

He smiled and gave me a slight nod before walking away into the long corridors. I then quickly grabbed my phone and called Clara. I told her everything that Dr. Shepard had told me and about how she could be visited. I was surprised when she told me that I could go first and have some time alone with Lauren. I thanked her then hung up and made my way to the nurse station.

I exited the elevator and started looking for the room Lauren was in. I found it immediately to my left and prepared myself for what I would see next. I opened the door and I really wasn't prepared at all for what my eyes were seeing right now. She lied there still, with only her chest rising up and down. Multiple wires and IV's were connected from machines and IV bags from all around her bed to different parts of her body. She had an oxygen mask on her face and white pads placed around her rib area where four of them were bruised.

Her wrists were dark purple where bruises had already formed because of the men that tightly grabbed onto her, half of her face was also bruised and severely wounded. I started to blame myself for this, I kept going back to the month of October where I could've taken a different decision and this would've never happened. I looked to the heart monitor that beeped every time her heart beated and just reflected on how life could be taken away in a blink of an eye, but thankfully Lauren would survive and I'd be with her the entire way to recovery.

"You could sit down and hold her hand if you'd like, she's stable." A nurse told me as she came in.

"Oh, I was scared to you know, cause something."

"Don't be, she's already responding to the medicine. There's nothing bad you can cause."

I took a seat next to her bed and slowly took her hand in mine. When I did, the heart monitor slowly started increasing bit by bit until it was all over the place. I started freaking out and quickly released her hand. I looked to the nurse who was just watching the monitor with a slight smile.

"Aren't you going to do anything?" I asked.

"Nothing is wrong. She just felt your touch and it made her heart go crazy. That right there shows how she feels about you." She explained as she pointed to the heart monitor.

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