34. Mini Cabello

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Lauren's Pov

"I'm going to what?" I asked Camila as she iced my ribs for the hundredth time.

"Meet Sofi, my little sister." She replied with a smile.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but why?"

"Because it's Christmas in less than a week, and because I haven't seen her since March, my birthday."

"Do I have to?" I asked nervously.

"Babe, you're just going to meet a 7 year old who happens to look somewhat like me." She giggled.

"But what if she doesn't like me?"

"Are you really worried about how a little girl will feel about you Laur?"

"Well yeah, plus she's your sister. What if she doesn't approve?"

"I'm sure she'll like you and will approve even if we don't tell her right away now come on take your medicine and go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow."


"So how are your ribs doing?" Mani asked once we started walking towards the jewelry store's entrance.

Since Christmas was getting closer I decided to do my least favorite thing, shopping. Luckily Normani agreed on coming along so I wasn't alone in this. She started noticing Camila and I's behavior in the hospital and she put two and two together which resulted in our little secret to be discovered. She had a positive attitude towards it and was happy for us.

"They're better, after 2 weeks I could say they've been recovering well. I'm able to breathe without having discomfort."

"That's really good, but have you heard anything about the case?" She asked taking interest in some pair of earrings.

"Last I've heard they were still checking the video footage from buildings around the alley."

"They better find him guilty."

"I agree, but I brought you here for a reason."

"Yeah I was wondering because you rarely wear jewelry Laur."

"Well it does happen to be that I'm not here to pick jewelry out for me, but for Camila" I said.

"Oh my god! Goals." She said full of excitement.

"Anyway, I was thinking a watch and a necklace or pendant of some kind?"

"Yeah that seems Christmas gift appropriate." Mani said nodding in agreement.

"May I help you?" A young girl whose name tag read Sarah asked me flirtatiously.

"Yes, I was looking for a watch." I said meeting her eyes.

"And is it for you or someone else?" She asked biting her lip.

"It's actually for my girlfriend" I said smiling shooting down any hopes or dreams she had.

Her flirtatious smile soon faded, but she quickly replaced her disappointment with a fake smile. She led me down to the watch section in the glass and showed me multiple models, but none seem to be 'Camila like'. That was until I saw an MVMT Rose Gold and Leather Watch that was in a different section. I told Sarah and she excused herself to go look for it in the back.

We Are A Secret (Camren) [Editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora