4. I'm Falling

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Camila's POV

I'm going to die. Gonna die today. Mom, dad, Sofi I love you.

"Ahhh!" I yelled dodging the ball thrown towards me.

Man, people take dodgeball real seriously. I looked to my left and saw Dinah easily dodging ball after ball. Then I looked to my right and saw Lauren throwing balls and hitting people everytime.

How could they be so good?

"Camila watch out!" I hear Normani yell.


All I remember is something hitting me on the side of my head, causing me to lose my balance and fall to the gym floor.


"Camz? Camz!" I hear someone say.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Lauren looking down at me.

"W-what happen?"

"Someone hit you with a dodgeball and you fell hitting your head and you've been unconscious for the past five minutes." Lauren explained.

"Ohh wow I'm really delicate" I say giggling, trying to lift up the mood.

"Yeah but come on can you get up?" She asked worried.

"I think so."

Lauren helped me up and walked me towards the bleachers. She stayed with me the rest of the period even though I insisted for her to go back and play, but she said I was more important than a game. I tried my hardest not to blush afterwards.

What are these things that she makes me feel? Every Time I'm near her I break into a sweat, then my pulse feels like a sledgehammer. Is it love? No it can't be. I've never been in love and I'm not looking for it. I have to focus on my studies so I could reach my dreams. But what if it is? And I don't know it?

"Hey Camz?" Lauren asks breaking me from my thoughts.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, perfectly fine. Why?"

"Well you've been staring out into space for quite a while now." she says chuckling at the end.

"Oh. I was just remembering something Dinah told me." I lied.

"Okay. Well come on it's time to change." she said pulling me towards the girl locker rooms.

I changed quickly since I didn't like people looking at me. I was going to put my hair up since I've gotten hot but soon realized that I didn't have a hair tie. I then thought that maybe Lauren had one, and then proceeded to her aisle.

"Hey Lau-" I cut myself off when I saw she was only in her pants and bra. My eyes roamed her upper body without my consent, but I couldn't bring my eyes to look away. Until she finally put her shirt on.

"Need anything Camz?" She asked with a smirk on her face. I think she caught me.

"I uhh" what did I come here for again?

She raised her perfect eyebrow waiting for my response.

"Ohh I was going to ask you if you had an extra hair tie."

"Yeah here." she said handing me one around her wrist.

"Thanks, are you ready to go?" I ask realizing that we we're now the only ones in here.

"Yeah, what's your next class?"

"Umm I think Math, how about you?"

" AP Biology, I'll walk you."

"You don't have to. You're going to have to walk back towards your class."

"I want to though, and I have no problem with that" she told me with sincerity in her voice.

"Alright thanks." I said smiling.

It took us about five minutes to get to my class because we were taking our time and talking about all sorts of things. It's like I could tell her anything and she won't judge me. If I talked about the most boringly things, she'll be interested 100%. I feel safe around her, like nothing could hurt me if she's around. But I can't fall for her. Or am I already falling?


"So Mila, you and Jauregui?" Justin asked me once I was seated in class.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Well since she walked you to class and you guys were all looking lovingly towards one another, I assumed you two were dating." he explained.

"Oh no. We're just friends, not dating."
I said feeling myself getting red at the end.

"Yet." He said smirking. "Come on I know you have feelings for her. You could tell me."

Should I? I mean I don't know him like that yet. But then again he gives off this aura of trustworthiness.

"Fine, I think I'm developing feelings towards her but I'm not sure of it. You can't tell anyone this Jus, I mean it."

"Told you, but of course my lips are sealed. I think she likes you too."

"Why you say that?"

"Well it's only been like a few hours into the first day at school but she looks at you like if she knew you her entire life and if you we're the love of her life."

"Are you sure?"

"100% sure."

"Well I've never had a relationship before..." I said ashamed.

"What? Are you serious?"


"How could you not? I would date you if you weren't a close friend of mine." he said laughing.

"Thanks for the compliment? But I'm not sure if I'm falling for her, since I've never experienced it before."

"Oh I see, well do you feel nervous around her? Does she make you feel comfortable? Does your heartbeat quicken when she's near?Do you feel so much happiness with her?"

I zone him out once I realize that, all of those things happen to me. I can't be falling for her. What would people think? If we got together will we be out in the open? Or stay low key? Will she ever want to hide? What if we don't even last? All these questions invading my mind.

"So do they?" He asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes Justin, they do." I whisper looking out into space.

Shit, I'm falling for Jauregui

We Are A Secret (Camren) [Editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora