"Well bully for him," I reply, sarcastically. "What's that got to do with me?"

"The stuff you took was Speed mixed with something called Bremelanotide. The combination is a street drug known as Love Potion. Couples take it to boost their sex drive and enhance the experience. It's a strong aphrodisiac and keeps you going for hours."

"OK," I answer slowly. "Thanks for the update. Anyway, how's Glenne?"

"You're not getting it," Jeff says, exasperatedly. "You took that drug, the same night you cheated on the love of your life. I'd hardly say that's a coincidence, would you?"

"I don't follow," I say, confused.

"Jason didn't have a clue what he was taking," he explains. "He thought it was the same stuff that we all had. It wasn't until afterwards that he realised what it was. But the effect it had on him... he said it turned him into a sex-crazed lunatic."

"What?!" I start to laugh.

This is too much. I don't want to think about another guy's boner.

"Doesn't it explain a lot?!" Jeff demands. "You ended up in bed with someone else, behind your girlfriend's back. You were turned on by her. You'd taken this weird sex drug. It all makes sense."

I shake my head at the wall. "I'm not buying it," I say, flatly. "I can't blame something I don't know for sure is even real for what happened in New York. I made the decision to sleep with Sara. I have to take responsibility for that. And I certainly wasn't a 'sex-crazed lunatic.'"

"It is real," Jeff insists. "Jason had heard of it before, and that's how he recognised the effects of it the next day. And it will affect different people in different ways. I've spent the last twenty four hours reading up on it on Google. It is real," he repeats.

"You don't know for definite that's what I took," I argue. "So Jason was horny and went home and shagged his girlfriend. So what?"

"Nadine gave him the gear," he interrupts.


"What?" I say, uncomprehendingly. "What do you mean?"

"She was in the bar, wasn't she," he reminds me. "She got chatting to Jason. Gave him a bit of attention, a bit of flattery. She's a model, for fuck's sake. The guy was practically jizzing his pants at the sight of her. Then she offered him the Speed. At least, that's what he says that she said it was. She told him she was a friend of yours, and you were having a rough time. She gave him the drugs, and told him to keep them to himself, unless you wanted any. You know how persuasive she can be. I think she sold the idea to him and planted the seed about giving it to you."

"No," I declare, firmly. "This is way too far-fetched. It's absolutely ridiculous."

"It's the truth," he says, in a softer tone. "Nadine wanted you back didn't she? She knew you were with Jess and she didn't like it. So she was trying to lure you away."

"But I ended up with Sara," I argue, feeling disgusted at this thought.

"I'm not saying it was a foolproof plan," he replies impatiently. "I'm not saying it was even a good idea. But she supplied Jason with this stuff that gave him an insatiable urge to fuçk anything that moved, and the very same night, after taking the very same stuff, you cheated on your girlfriend and you have no idea why. Well, now you do. Know why, I mean."

I feel weirdly dizzy. It's like suddenly everything is falling into place. The answers I have been searching for this past week and a half are finally in front of me.

"H? You there?" Jeff is asking.

"Have you spoken to Nadine about this?" I ask, and my voice comes out hoarse and croaky.

Trace of Innocence | Sweet and Sour (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now