Chapter 5

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(No Control | Holding Me Ransom - 5 - We're Going In Circles)

"Come in," I hear Karen say, although her words are partially drowned out by the thud of my heart and the whoosh of my blood rushing through my veins.

"This was a set up," Jess says, in a resigned tone. "I am so stupid."

"Just come in and have a seat," Karen offers.

"No thanks," she replies, casually. "I'm out of here. I'll get Antos to drop me off at the Daily Mail offices, I'm sure they'll be interested in all of this."

I don't even have the energy to react to this. I know she's lying. If there's one thing I've learned about her, it's that I can trust her with my deepest, darkest secrets, and I know she'd never tell. She doesn't have a vindictive bone in her body.

"Harry!" Karen cries, desperately, but what does she want me to say? I can't even look up. If I do, I know my heart will break at the sight of Jess. I can't do it.

"Jess!" Karen calls into the corridor, and her voice echoes around the concrete walls. "He didn't know you were coming!"

"Now why doesn't that surprise me?" comes the response.

She sounds furious.

"You said you'd hear me out," Karen says.

"You said this wasn't a set up," Jess accuses, and I feel a flush of embarrassment at Karen forcing her to come here like this, clearly under false pretences. She obviously doesn't want to be in the same room as me. That realisation pains me.

"I never said that," Karen argues. "I needed to get you here, any way that I could."

"Well I'm not staying, sorry. Bye."

I stand up quickly, avoiding looking at Jess.

"It's fine, I'll wait outside," I mutter, turning sideways to get out of the room without encroaching on her personal space. I actually hold my breath as I slip past her. If I catch her scent, I will break.

"Stay where you are," Karen barks, furiously, and I pause behind Jess, my heart pounding. "You are both adults!" she reminds us, harshly. "You mean to tell me you can't spend five minutes in the same room? Jess, listen to me now, and you'll never have to hear from me again. Sit down."

We both obey, meekly; Jess taking the further of the two chairs. I sit down next to her and stare down at the floor, letting my hair fall forwards, blocking her from my view.

Karen closes the door and takes the seat behind her desk, clasping her hands together and facing us.

"Harry's been getting bad press," she says, briskly.

"That's not my problem," Jess says bluntly, and my heart lurches at the sound of her voice.

"No, but you can help to change that," Karen responds, unfazed by the interruption. "The press are desperate for more information on all of this. You know his name sells papers. They want something - anything - on him. If you would just let them see you together, it doesn't have to be for long... it would cast doubt over all their reports."

They're talking about me like I'm not here.

I wish I wasn't here.

"No," Jess says.

"Why not?" Karen asks.

"Because you are asking me to make the world think I have taken back someone who has cheated on me," she replies, her voice slightly louder than usual. "And I would never do that. It goes against everything I believe in."

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