Chapter Eleven; (clever name)

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          "What's up, Mark?" Bob asked, showing slight concern. The brunet male shook it off. "It's no big deal." For a few minutes, silence filled the room. No one moved, no one spoke. That is until Wade coughed. "So what did they mean by it, Mark?" The thin male asked. "Cause that clearly wasn't (First Name) on the phone, as you would have been more excited to talk to her." Mark froze up slightly, knowing he had been caught and not knowing how to respond. "Wade shut up. You're probably hearing shit again." Sean huffed. Wade shook his head furiously. "No..! I heard it. Whoever was on the other line wants something from Mark." The male, now the subject to everyone's stares, sighed. "And only they know what it is. Cause I have no idea what they mean." There was a soft blip from Mark's pocket. The males stared in anticipation as Mark red the text aloud. "If you have no idea what I'm looking for, which you most likely don't because you're an idiot, here is the first hint..."

"Okay. There's this thing that (First Name) gave me a while ago. It's.." Mark trailed off. "It's what, Mark?" The four people asked softly. "It's a thing." Schatten opened her mouth to speak and then closed it. Sean gave a sigh, Bob pinched the bridge of his nose, and Wade stared with a dropped jaw. "Seriously Mark. What is it. We can't help if you don't tell us." The idiotic male pointed out. "Wade's right for once. If you don't tell us anything, we can't help." Bob agreed. Sean opened the mini fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, throwing it at Mark. "What the hell was that for, Sean?!" He yelled. Sean shrugged and sat down. "Fun, I guess." Mark gave a sigh and looked toward the group and the lump on the bed. "Okay. Long story short, (First Name) gave me this locket when she first moved in. She told me that this one guy was after it or her; I don't really remember which." Mark continued to explain for, what felt like, hours. "Long story short, whoever called you wants the locket." The black haired male looked around the room at his friends, most of which looked half asleep. Taking the silence, Mark continued to explain. "And we have to do a thing that I don't know yet..." Schatten sat up from her bed and sighed. "It's most likely Liam. He's been trying to find (First Name) since he broke up with the girl he cheated on her with." She explained. "He always had a habit of being a stalker and a creep."

    Mark took out his phone and opened the camera. "Hey guys. I'm actually pretty upset to tell you that I won't be recording for a while. (First Name) is still in the hospital and I wanna make sure she's okay before I continue making videos. Please don't be mad at me for this." He went on for a few more minutes before stopping the recording, watching it several times through, and posting it to YouTube. "Ready, Mark?" Wade spoke from the window. "Yeah. I'm ready." Everyone walked outside, looking like they were ready for a military mission. Jack and Schatten had on camo jackets and black pants. Wade and Bob both had black shirts with tan camo pants. The Irish male threw a camo jacket at Mark, laughing when he failed to catch it. "Let's go." The group walked toward the car parked on the street. They all got in; Bob started the car and left the house. "So, where are we going exactly?" Schatten asked from the front seat of the car. "That's the thing. I have absolutely no idea..." The group let out a collective groan. "That's not going to help us much."

After a few hours of driving around, Mark got another call. "Pick it up, Mark..!" Wade whispered loudly. The mentioned male picked up the phone and answered. "Hello..?" The voice on the phone was male, and whoever it was sounded annoyed. "You clearly don't care about (First Name). I'm giving you three days to find what I'm looking for.. Now, here's your second hint..." After the male was done speaking, Mark lowered the phone and looked toward everyone else. "We've got three days to find it. This fucker won't get away with anything." The black haired male growled lowly. Jack sighed, and Bob looked at his friend in the rear view mirror. "I get it, Mark. You're mad at whoever this guy is. But we can't have you mad at him right now. We need you to focus. None of us know what's going on."

A/N: Sorry this took so long!! I have had– and still have– writers block with this story. Rip

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