Chapter Eight: Gonna Be Okay?

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        "Hello everybody~ My name is Markiplier, and today I'm here with (YouTube Username) and her friend-" Mark started, before getting interrupted by the white haired female to his left. "Hello there, my little dragonballs~ SSJSchatten here!" Schatten laughed. (First Name) smiled toward her friend. " Hey (fanbase name)! (YouTube Username) here with SSJSchatten and Markiplier~" The (hair color) female cheered. "Today we're gonna be playing Just Dance!" The three cheered together. "So, to get started, we're gonna play one of Schatten's favorite songs!" Mark smiled, causing Schatten to squeal in the background. "Cause she'll whine if we don't.." (First Name) whispered. "I heard that!" The white haired female whined with a pout on her lips.

           "H-Holy hell!" Mark yelled out, collapsing onto the floor after three songs. Schatten was standing proudly, and (First Name) was laughing on the couch."How are you th.. This good?!" Mark asked between breaths. "I practice everyday. FOR I AM SSJSCHATTEN! QUEEN OF JUST DANCE!!" (First Name) gave a smile toward her friends. "Alright! Well, we'll see you guys... In the next video..! Bye Bye~!" The (hair color) female said to the camera before turning it off. "Mark, are you okay..?" Schatten asked, looking down at him. Her waist length hair flowed over both of her sides. Mark nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine."

        The three, who were in the basement of (First Name)'s house, laid down on different couches. Mark smiled softly, before tilting his head. 'Top o' the morning to ya, laddies!' The black haired male, looked around the room, and saw a small light from a phone. "Schatten..?" He asked softly, as to not disturb the sleeping (hair color) female. The white haired female squeaked softly, and locked her phone. "Y-Yes Mark?" She asked. Mark gave a soft smile. "You like Jack?" Schatten and Mark both sat up. "Y-Yeah.." Schatten admitted, a blush flaring across her cheeks. "Why are you blushing..?" The male questioned. Schatten averted her eyes away from Mark. "U-Uh.. It's kind of awkward to say..."

     "Have you ever talked to him before?" Mark asked, sitting on the couch upstairs. Schatten sat in a red chair in the corner. "No.. I've tried to tweet to him, but he never sees it or anything.." Mark gave a soft chuckle, and pulled out his phone. This caused Schatten to narrow her eyes. "Hey! I didn't interrupt anything, did I? No? Alright! Well I have someone you should talk to!" Mark stood up and handed the phone to Schatten. She held it to her ear. "Hello..?" Her cheeks turned a deep shade of red when she heard who was on the other line. "Hey! Mark said I should talk to you! Name's Sean~! What's yours?" The white haired female squeaked softly. "M-My name's Schatten..!" 

     (First Name) yawned, and opened her eyes. Mark was sleeping on the floor, and Schatten was no where in sight. "Mark.. Where's Schatten..." She slurred, still asleep. Mark mumbled softly. "She hasn't stopped talking to Sean... Luckily, she gave me my phone back around four.." The (hair color) female looked at the time. "It's ten.. Has she not slept..?" Mark shrugged, but heard a thump from upstairs. The two walked upstairs, to see Schatten passed out on the floor with her phone in hand. "Schatten? You okay there?" Sean's voice could be heard through her phone. "She fell asleep, Sean. She was talking to you all night." Mark said.

     "D-Did I really talk to him for six hours..?!" Schatten stuttered. Mark nodded, and (First Name) smiled. "I think you two would be cute together, right Mark?" Mark gave a laugh. "Yeah! We need to introduce you two face to face at the next con." The male gave a smirk. "Which we need to pack for cause I'm having a panel and you guys are coming with me!"The two females' jaws dropped. "W-What?! No way!" The two cheered together. "Let me go make a video about this~!" Schatten cheered, running out of the front door of the house. Mark laughed. "Hey guys! (Youtube Username) here! SSJSchatten and I were just informed by Mark that....." She paused for a second. "We're going to be on a panel with him~!" Mark chimed in. "It's at San Diego Comicon!" (First Name) smiled. "If you guys can make it, please do! I would love to see as many of my fans as I can! Let me know it's you guys by wearing your (signature object)! Anyway, I have to go tell SSJSchatten before she uploads~! Bye guys!" 

      "SAN DIEGO COMICON?!" Schatten screamed. "No way! I've never been that far away from (hometown), let alone out of (state)!" Mark and (First Name) laughed softly. "Yeah, she's never had the money from her parents." Mark looked at Schatten, who had begun re-recording her video. "Her father wasn't always the nicest to her, and her mom wasn't there much." (First Name) explained. The male gave a nod, as Schatten walked back over. "So, who all is in the panel?" Mark smiled. "Well, us three, Wade, Bob, and Sean. We have two panel sessions all three days, cause we always run short on time." Schatten's face turned red. "This sounds great~!" She smiled. (First Name) giggled. "You can meet Sean in person! Maybe you two can go out for lunch or something!" Schatten's face turned a deeper red. "E-Eh?! Why would I ask him?! He's famous--! Do you know how many of his fangirls would try and MURDER me if they saw me with him?!"

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