Chapter Three; Memories

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It had been three months since Mark asked.. Well.. Told (First Name) that she was living with him until she found a place of her own. The (hair color) female opened the door to the house and closed it once she entered. "Maaark! I'm back!" She slipped off her black leather jacket to reveal a (favorite color) dress shirt. She sat down and took off her (flats/high heels) and massaged her feet. 'Long day of walking around.. I need a bath..'

From the other room, loud and fast footsteps ran toward the front door. "(Nickname)!" Mark yelled, hugging her tightly. The black haired male lifted up the female by the waist and spun her around. (First Name) giggled as her (silky/frizzy) (straight/wavy/curly) (long/short) (hair color) locks waved slightly behind her. Setting her down, Mark ruffled her hair with a smile. "Wanna make a Let's Play later~?" Mark asked. (First Name) nodded with a smile.

Slipping into the warm bath water, (First Name) thought to herself. 'Ever since Mark and I became friends and appeared on each other's channel, my subscribers shot into the sky.. Is it just because he's famous..?' She sighed softly, sinking deeper into the water. Her (hair color) locks floated around her head. Blowing bubbles into the water, she giggled softly. After about five minutes of sitting in the hot water, the (eye color) eyes of the female began to close as she began to doze off.

       "You're such a freak, (First Name)!"  A child yelled at the short (hair color) female. "N-No I'm not!" She yelled back. The children were outside for recess, right after lunch. (First Name) was in first grade, and the children picking on her were in third grade. "Yeah you are! Look at yourself! Your one eye is (blue/brown/green) and your other eye is (blue/brown/green)!"  The elder child snickered, pointing at her eyes. "And your clothes are hideous! Who even let you wear those here? And who wears pigtails anymore?" The small first grader pulled at her (hair color) locks that were tied into ponytails on both sides of her head. "M-My mommy says it makes me look nice..." She whimpered softly.

       "And that dress of yours! Eugh! It makes me want to vomit my lunch!" A fourth grader walked over to the group, laughing as the third grader spoke. "Picking on little (Annoying Nickname) again, are we? Shame.. I thought she had gotten enough from yesterday." The fourth grader, named Angela, spoke. "W-What do you want, Angela..? I don't have any money today.." The small first grader whimpered out. "I'm not here for your money, sweetheart!" Angela spoke as the playground monitor walked near the group. "I'm here for punishment for not bringing me my money yesterday. And the day before." The blonde female snapped her fingers. One of the third graders braided Angela's silky hair, and ran back to her friends. "Ready for punishment, (Annoying Nickname)?"

     "(Name)..? (Name)!" Mark yelled out, knocking on the door. "You've been in the bathroom for an hour now! You okay in there?" The once hot water had turned cold, and the female's (skin tone) fingers and toes began to make weird patterns on themselves. "I-I'm fine, Mark! I'll be out in a minute!" She yelled. Upon hearing Mark's retreating steps in the hallway, (First Name) stepped out of the bathtub. She leaned down into the tub and pulled the plug from it, allowing the water to drain. She wrapped a towel around her body and her hair. Leaning against the sink, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were slightly tear stained. "Why did I have to think of that, out of everything I could have thought of..." The female looked at her (eye color) eyes and heaved a sigh. She pulled a small container from her make-up bag. She opened both sides of the container, and reached up to her eyes with both hands. Taking out the contacts she had in, she smiled softly. She had been wearing the (eye color) contacts, not because she needed contacts to see, but to hide her different colored eyes. One was (blue/brown/green) and the other was (blue/brown/green).

   After getting dressed, she walked out of the bathroom. "Maaaaark! Are you ready to do that Let's Play?" (First Name) yelled out into the house. "Sure!" The male yelled back happily. The (hair color) female walked toward the sound of Mark's voice. Entering his gaming room, she pulled up a chair and sat down. "Did you put in contacts or something? Cause.." Mark's voice died out. "Nope. Those are the natural colors of my eyes. I used to get teased about it a lot but I thought that I should tell you, since we're friends and stuff.." Her voice died off as well. The black haired male gave a genuine smile toward her. "They're pretty..." He finished his sentence from before. (First Name) smiled softly. "Thanks, Mark.. That actually makes my day a lot better~ Now, what about that Let's Play? What game are we doing?"

    "AHH! DAMMIT!" (First Name) yelled as her chair tipped over for the third time in that video. Mark, on the other hand, was laughing his ass off. "Stupid jumpscares!" The female on the floor yelled, as the two were playing Five Nights at Freddy's. (First Name) had yet to play the games, unlike Mark. "This is the third time you've flipped over your chair!" He laughed louder. "Shut up, Mark! You've already played all the games! Right..?" Mark gave her a nod, helping her up. "Great.. I got passed one night before I DIED!" She cried out. "Here, let me help you out." Mark tried to help. "Mark no! This is my game! This is MY battle to fight!" She yelled out, taking a shot of (alcohol). The basis of the Let's Play was to take a shot each time they died. Mark had taken two and (First Name) had taken eight. "This challenge isn't fair at all, Mark.. Not. Fair."

      "You think you're going to be famous one day, (Annoying Nickname)? " Angela snickered toward (First Name). Angela was a senior in high school and (First Name) was a freshman at this point. "Yeah. My YouTube channel already has a hundred subscribers just from two videos. Can you say that for yourself, Miss I-Work-As-A-Bagger-At-Kroger's?" The (hair color) female sneered. Angela flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder, and began to laugh. "Oh silly (Annoying Nickname)." (First Name) tilted her head slightly, in confusion. "You know that little.. (Crush's Name) you like?" Angela smirked. "What about him.." The male that was being mentioned walked over. "(Crush's Name)...?" The (hair color) female stuttered softly. "I never really liked you in the first place, (First Name)." He spoke, venom in his voice. "And I will see you.."

     " the next video. Bye-Bye!" Mark yelled out as he ended the video. "(Nickname) are you okay...?" He asked softly. She nodded slightly. "I just had a memory from high school." Mark smiled, wiping her cheek. "You started crying toward the end of the video. We can just play it off as shock from your first time playing but I know it's deeper than that. I'm not going to push and make you tell me what's wrong. But if you want to tell me, I'm here to listen." Mark smiled and told her. (First Name) gave him a smile and nodded. "I know, Mark. Memories are memories. They show up when they want, and they leave when they want." (First Name) explained. 'Just memories.. That's all they are...'

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