Chapter Seven; Walks

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         "Do you know how it feels...? To be so close to losing someone..." (First Name) spoke to herself as she swung on the swings at the park. Her earbuds were in, and the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary theme was playing in her ears. "Hey! (Nickname)!" A voice cried out. This caused the female on the swings to look around. When she didn't see anyone, (First Name) began humming the song. After the song was over, the (eye color) eyes of (First Name) wandered around the park.

        "Thanks for sayin' somethin' to me!" A feminine voice called out. (First Name) took out her earbuds. "Who's there? Where are you?" She shouted. "Don't tell me you've forgotten me!" The voice said, sounding upset. "Wait a minute... Is that.." The voice let out a small giggle. "Schatten!"  (First Name) jumped off of the swing. "Took ya long enough, (Nickname)!" Schatten stood atop of the playground, near the top of the slide. Her hands were rested on her hips. "The wicked and wild winds are upon us, (First Name)! It is time to rebel!"

      "How much longer until she get's back...?" Mark asked, impatiently. James let out a hearty laugh. "She tends to stay out past midnight when she goes on her walks. I know you're going to ask why, and that's because she always has a lot on her mind. It gets too much for her to handle and walks calm her down." Carol gave Mark a smile. "At least you show you care. You've been impatiently waiting for her to come back home. Why don't you go take a nap or something? Rest your nerves." With a soft nod, Mark walked upstairs to the (favorite superhero/villain) door before disappearing behind it.

        (First Name) and Schatten stood atop of the metal playground. In their minds, the bodies of their enemies laid on the ground. Breathing heavily, the (hair color) and white haired females smiled toward the other. "Thanks, Schatten.. I needed that." Schatten gave a smile. "I heard what happen, and I knew you'd be here. You're like an open book!" (First Name) huffed. "Apparently not to Mark. He has such trouble trying to figure out if I'm angry or sad. Unless I'm crying or yelling. Then he knows." Both females laughed. "Who's this Mark guy?" Schatten questioned. Smiling softly, (First Name) thought about him. "You know. Mark! Markiplier!"

       "NO WAY! You're living with MARKIPLIER?!" Schatten yelled out into the night. "The one and only. He's super stubborn at times, but he's chill." The (hair color) female smiled softly. "You have to introduce me. Should I wear my demon eye contacts? Or what about my blind girl contacts? Ooohh! I can wear my yandere ones! Nah. I'll wear my demon contacts." Schatten and (First Name) laughed. "Yeah. Wear the demon ones. Speak in your dark voice. It'll scare the shit out of him. I'll feel bad after a while but oh well."  Schatten laughed. "I can show up after you go to sleep! Or at least after he does. Not like I haven't shown up while you slept before."

       "You feeling better, (First Name)..?" Mark asked softly. She gave a nod, and a smile. "I'm perfectly fine, Mark. There's someone I want you to meet tomorrow." Mark tilted his head, like s puppy. "Really? Is it a childhood friend?" The female next to him laughed. "I didn't have very many friends as a kid. But I did have her. She's coming over to see me." Mark and (First Name) walked toward her room. She pulled out her phone with a (favorite color) case, unlocking it to text someone.

        Mark had fallen asleep, and Schatten was on her way over. 'Okay. The window is slightly open. I'll be on my bed, and Mark is by my closet. Make a little bit of noise trying to get in. Believe it or not, but he's a light sleeper when he's somewhere he doesn't know.' Schatten texted back. 'Alright. No big deal. I'll be there in ten.' At this point, the plan was in action. There was no turning back. Well there was, but Schatten wasn't one to do that. She was going to follow through. Ten minutes passed, and Schatten had arrived.

          "Mom. Dad. If you hear screaming from Mark, don't worry about it. Schatten is introducing herself." (First Name) told her parents when she arrived home. That was four hours ago. The window began to open, and the long hair of Schatten waved slightly at her movements. The window creaked and made a few loud noises. The silhouette of Mark shot up into the air. A slightly girlish scream erupted from his lips. The female lying in bed stifled a giggle. Schatten rushed over and covered his mouth. "I don't like high pitched noises, Mark."

         "This is Schatten, the friend I wanted you to meet." (First Name) smiled, gesturing to the female who was messing with her hair. "Sorry about scaring you, Mark. That's how I introduce myself." Schatten spoke. "Instilling fear into them so they know to fear me. Somewhat." This caused both of the females to laugh. Mark sighed. "You almost gave me a heart attack... Anyway! Who wants to play a game? We can even record if you guys want." Schatten looked from the black haired male, to the (hair color) female to her left. "I'm down. But only if we're playing Just Dance. I rule at that game." The white haired female proclaimed. "She is the Queen of Just Dance, Mark. No one that we've ever known has beaten her at Rasputin." Mark laughed, causing the other two to laugh. Schatten looked over at (First Name) and huffed. "Don't forget We No Speak Americano!"

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