Chapter Four; All She Needs

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      It had been two days after (First Name) had began crying during a Five Nights at Freddy's Let's Play with Mark. She heaved a loud sigh, as she woke up for the eighth time during the long night. 'They're just memories, (First Name)..  They can't hurt you.. Not anymore...' She looked at the clock. The clock next to her head read 1:13 am. She groaned softly. "Why can't I sleep.." She said softly. She pulled the covers off of her (body shape) body and climbed out of the bed. Mark and her hadn't cleaned out the guest room yet. Mark had gotten a new couch, a comfier one. Opening the white door to Mark's room, she walked out and into the hallway. She looked into the living room, not seeing Mark on the couch.

     "Stupid Wade..!" The female heard Mark say. 'Is he recording..?' She questioned herself. Getting a glass of water, she walked toward the only room in the house with a light on. Mark's recording room. She gave a soft sigh, then taking a sip of her water. "Bob I can't find th--DAAHAAH!!" Mark screamed, as he was attacked in the game. (First Name) had no idea what it was, but the black haired male must have been really into it. The (hair color) female walked into the room quietly. Bob and Wade must have noticed, as they snickered slightly. "What are you snickering at?" Mark slurred slightly. He wasn't drunk, but tired.

    "Maaarrrk~~" (First Name) purred softly into the sleepy male's ear. His bloodshot and tired eyes widened as she spoke his name. With a shrill scream, Mark's chair flipped over and made a loud thud on the floor. Bob and Wade were having a slightly hard time breathing from how much they were laughing, and (First Name) was leaning against the wall holding her stomach. "(First Name)!!" Mark whined. "What was that for?!" The female couldn't answer back, as she was laughing to hard. After the laughing calmed down, (First Name) wiped tears from her eyes. "I couldn't help it, Mark! You're tired and vulnerable!" The female smiled, her cheeks beginning to tone down from a deep red to a soft pink.

     (First Name) had taken the video footage from Mark, Bob, and Wade's recording from the night before, and made a video for Mark. The male had still been asleep, and gave her the perfect chance. Clicking the upload button, (First Name) giggled softly. Just before the video finished uploading, Mark walked into the room. "(Nickname) what are you-" He paused. "You're uploading it?!" The (hair color) female began to laugh loudly. There was a soft noise, telling the two that the video was uploaded. "That's not fair! I was tired!!" Mark pouted. "That's the point, you big oaf..." She giggled. Mark poked her arm, then her neck. (First Name) looked over at him. He smirked and flicked her nose. "O-Ow!! Maaark!! That really hurt!" She huffed. "That's the point, you smaller oaf..." Mark teased.

   "(First Name).. I have something to tell you..." Carol, (First Name)'s mom, spoke over the phone. "What is it, mum?" The (eye color) eyes of the female sparkled slightly. "It's about Ian..." Her mother said, sadly. (First Name) tilted her head, unaware to her mother's upset tone. "What about him? Did he get honor roll? Oh I hope he did~!" Carol interrupted her. "(First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name)!" Her mother yelled out. "S-Sorry mum.." (First Name) spoke, then becoming silent.

     "(First Name)... There are some kids at Ian's school that are bullying him and... Well.. Something happened..." Carol began. Not giving (First Name) the chance to speak, Carol continued. "The four of them, all fifth graders.. They brought guns to school..." As Carol explained what had happened, (First Name)'s eyes watered, and the light in her (eye color) eyes began to dull. "Ian was... He was shot... He's at the hospital now.. But he's in critical condition... There's a chance he won't make it through the rest of the week... I know this is a lot to handle.. So I'll let you go.. I love you sweetie.." Her mother hung up after speaking those words.

   Mark whistled as he walked into the house, two bags of groceries on each arm. Setting them in the kitchen, he called out. "(Nickname)!! I'm back!" He looked into the living room, seeing her phone on the floor. "(First Name)..?" He walked out, slowly. He saw the (hair color) female on her knees, staring ahead at a wall. She was unmoving, other than her breathing. "Are you okay..?" Mark asked. Walking in front of her, he tapped her shoulder. He looked into her once bright eyes. They had gone dull. "W-What's wrong..?" The female adjusted he eyes, to look at Mark. "I-Ian..." She said softly.

    Mark had been hugging the sobbing (hair color) female for about an hour now. "Shhh...." Mark said softly, stroking her (hair color) locks. "W-Why him..?! Why did it have to be him!" She cried out, hitting Mark's chest lightly. By now, the male had at least seven bruises on his chest. But it's not like he cared anymore. The girl he held in his arms, the normally happy female, had broken. The only word she had to say to let all of her emotions out, was her brother's name. "I'm here, (First Name)... Cry all you need..." He spoke softly. Her sobs began to die out. Mark took the chance that was given to him, and began to hum a tune softly. Her sobs became non-existent, as she had fallen asleep. "I'll be here for you when you wake up..." Mark said softly, lying down on the floor. Setting her head on his chest, the black haired male closed his eyes. Before falling asleep, he mumbled softly. "I'll give you.. Everything you need..."

When I had her... Markiplier x Depressed! Reader (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon