“My orders then, sir?” it was poised as a question and Thoran smirked, raising his voice for all to hear. “Lieutenant Luka, you are to take the two thousand troops under your direct command and pursue the fleeing Reickian and Beldanian armies in hopes of capturing the Beldanian Princess! If this cannot be accomplished, send a messenger back here where we will be waiting and we will send aid…” he lowered his voice, speaking directly to the young soldier. “Do try to come back in one piece; your talents will be needed later.” Luka nodded tightly and, raising to his full height, spun on his heel. Thoran watch the boy ordering his troops and preparing for the upcoming battle with ease. Yoaren looked up at the General with a disgruntled expression but it was Icirrus who spoke up. “Why send that boy on what is obviously a suicide mission? Even if he does pull it off, you left such an important mission to a child!” Thoran’s eyes hardened angrily and if he hadn’t been astride his horse, he would have backhanded the arrogant youth for his indiscretions. “You dare question my decisions, foolish man? You are right, this is a suicide mission. Which is exactly why I sent him for out of all of you, he is the only one truly willing to die. You men who wish for glory would rather run so you might live to fight another day where he, who has no ties left in this world, would die fighting. Even if he fails, he will carry heavy injuries to prove how hard he has worked or he may very well return to us on a stretcher. Regardless, that ‘child’, as you so eloquently put it; is more of a warrior than you three.”

With that, Thoran turned his angered gaze away from Icirrus and instead focused on Agron who had been listening silently throughout the course of these talks. “What say you, Lieutenant Agron? Do you think my decision foolish as well?” Agron, for his part, looked as though he truly couldn’t be bothered with the bickering of the hierarchy but shook his head ever so slightly. “No, I actually agree with your assessment, General. Though, when it comes to sending reinforcements, I think it should be my group that is sent first since we are the ones who have practice when it comes to dealing with horsemen.” Nodding in response, Thoran pondered this for a moment before agreeing. “Then so be it…other than that, Yoaren.” Said man looked up instantly, waiting for orders. “Go out to battlefield and pick up any injured. I don’t care which side of the coin they fall on; just bring them back here for treatment. Icirrus, prepare a tent to house captives and an extra for the mortally wounded but still hanging on. Let these men hear the screams of those who fought for them and you, Icirrus will be the one to sit with them until they die so that you might comprehend the meaning of war.” With those words, the General turned his horse and left the Lieutenants to set upon their work. Within a few moments, the battle cries of Luka’s men could be heard echoing across the men as they rushed after the out of sight horsemen. Thoran had studied the map, had seen the canyon the Princess had spoken of, and knew that on foot, it would take them a little over an hour to reach the feeling people. Reicks had been given a large head-start thanks to the actions of Beldan and Beldan themselves had horses so it was obvious Luka would not be able to catch up to them before the canyon. Thoran only hoped he hadn’t made a truly foolish decision by sending only two thousand men.


Haydn looked back at his men who limped and drug themselves towards the Canyon he was leading them too. They had been walking for nearly an hour before Nathanial and Feliciana’s five hundred men appeared behind them, sweeping across the plains with finesse only those native to this land could possibly possess. What Haydn couldn’t spot was Feli on that large black stallion of hers. For a moment, he had a shock of anger tinged with fear at such a disappearance. The anger was obviously directed at Feli for not following her own orders instantly but the fear was for the spirit she held within her; for Feliks. As much anger as he held, he would never be able to forget the emotions Feliks provoked and being forced to see a near perfect lookalike while knowing the one he craved was locked within said lookalike made him angry. When the canyon came into view though, Haydn forced those thoughts from his head. This was war and, as he had all those years ago, he would forget Feliks and do what needed to be done.

Innocent Sorrow: A Tale of Twisted Hearts Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now