1:Lex Luthor's

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Y/N's PoV

I stood near the door at Lex Luther's party, suddenly everyone's heads turned to the entrance as the sound of camera flashes filled the air. An older handsome guy in a rich suit stepped out the black car. "Who's that?" I asked my friend Jennifer who I came with.

"You seriously need to get out more, miss reporter that's Bruce Wayne." Jennifer told me as I admired his good looks.

~some time later ~

"Ok I'm getting tired should we go?" I complained to Jen.

"You haven't interviewed anyone other than Lex Luther."

"But Clark is here, so he's is already interviewing people. What's the point of having everything twice?"

"You know we can go. If you interview Bruce Wayne."

"What? No."

"F/N I've seen you eyeing him since the moment he walked in, just talk to him."

"How do I even start?"

"Just introduce yourself and ask for an interview or something, I don't know... Wait it looks like you won't have to he's coming over."

"Wait what?"


"Bye I guess." I said as Jennifer walked away and Bruce Wayne started to approach me.

"Hello I'm Bruce Wayne." He said with his deep charming voice.

"Nice to meet you Mr Wayne, my name is f/n l/n."

"Pleasures mine Miss l/n."

Bruce's PoV

"Alfred she drove off with the drive." I said through the secret mic.

"There's nothing you can do now. Go socialise, maybe you'll bring someone home. Again in your dreams Alfred." Alfred said threw the earpiece trailing off like he walked away from the mic after saying Go socialise. I looked around and noticed a stunning young woman standing in the corner with who I persumed was her friend.

Y/N's PoV
"Mr Wayne I've actually wanted to approach you and ask you some questions." I started, making Bruce roll his eyes.

"Can't have a normal conversation with anyone here can you? Everyone is a damn reporter."

"I'm sorry Mr Wayne, I bet you have been asked a million questions today. Truly I'm tired so if you don't want another exact same article written than just refuse."

"Well then, I refuse."

"Very well Mr Wayne, thank you for saving me from more writing."

"Don't mention it." He smirked. "So you're a reporter?"

"Yeah, yeah I am."

"Well you're the kindest reporter I've ever met."

"Thank you Mr Wayne."


"I'm sorry?"

"Bruce call me Bruce.

"Well ok then Bruce how come you left Gotham for once?" I said exaggerating the Bruce.

"I got invited here."

"Well that's a good enough reason" I said, our conversation then became random as we talked I could see Jen chatting up some guy across the room. I got a text and quickly checked my phone. 'Jen: Looks like you two are hitting it off. This guy is taking me home see you. Have fun :p' I smirked to myself after reading the message.

"What's so funny?" Bruce asked approaching me with two martinis in his hands.

"Nothing just a text from my friend." I replied.

"Okay, here you go." He said handing me a glass.

"Oh Bruce I can't." I said apologetically.

"Why?" He asked.

"I need to drive home." I explained.

"One drink won't hurt."

"I guess." I said before taking a sip.

"May I have this dance?" Bruce asked when the song changed. We danced for what seemed like forever after the first song we sort of just hugged swaying from side to side along with the slow music, each of us drink in hand. I realised I was still on that first martini while Bruce was now drinking scotch and soda, I was unable to keep track of how many drinks he already had and when I let go of him saying I need to go to the bathroom I realised he was struggling to stand on his own. When I came back I found Bruce leaning on the wall for support.

"Hey Bruce I'm gonna go home because I have work tomorrow in the morning and it's already one so I'll be able to have at least four hours of sleep before work. But I had fun tonight, thank you for making this party enjoyable." I explained.

"Why don't I go home with you?" Drunk Bruce said slowly.

"Bruce I don't think that's a good- actually ok." I said leading Bruce to my car.

A/N: this chapter right now is a tester if you guys like it. I normally write out a outline of what could happen, still haven't done that. Next update might take a while and I'm sorry. Also the cover will change this is just a temporary cover.

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