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In the land of Equestria, and deep in the bayou called Devil Pony's Bayou, a little filly with a grayish mulberry mane with pale light grayish rose streaks on it, pale light grayish harlequin eyes, and no cutie mark named Sweetie Belle was walking to the end of the abandoned riverboat while holding a bottle with a message inside it with her magic. Little did she know that she was being watched by two ponies named Snips and Snails. Sweetie Belle was ponynapped by two treasure hunters, and she has been sending messages in bottles, hoping that one of them got through. The message in the bottle she was holding was a call for help. She tossed the bottle into the water, and went back inside. The bottle floated through the water, and it went through a terrible storm. Then it went by a passing ship. The ship almost hit the bottle, but it didn't get hit.

The bottle eventually made it to the Canterlot docks. It laid under the boardwalk for a while until some ponies found it. The next day, many ponies were heading to different meetings. Many ponies were coming and going out of the castle in Canterlot. But a special group of ponies were heading to another part of the castle as the announcer said "Attention please. The economic and social council will convene in five minutes." At the entrance, a dragon with purple scales and green spikes named Spike was sweeping the floor clean, and greeting ponies that walked inside. "Good day, sir." Spike said. "Good day." An earth pony named Dr. Whooves said. "Good day, Mr. Set." Spike said. "Good day, sir." A unicorn named Jet Set said. "How you do, Ms. Cake?" Spike asked. "Very well. Thank you." An earth pony named Ms. Cupcake said. When everypony was gathered around, it was time for the meeting to begin.

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