-Chapter 2-

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Picture of Hayden is up there

Beeeeeeep beeeeeep

I woke up looking over at the alarm clock which read 7:00 a.m.

I hit the snooze button and walked over to my bathroom. Taking a shower then blow drying my light brown hair and straightening it.

I put on eyeliner and some burgende lipstick. I walk to my closet with my towel on.

I put on my clothes which is a black crop top that says "Queen Shortii" and black ripped skinny jeans and some black vans.

I grab my stuff and walk downstairs grabbing a waffle and eating it.

I take my keys and walk to my car. See the reason I didn't say bye to my parents is because they go to work at like 5 in the morning.

Anyways, I head to the hell hole in my black Ferrari 458.

I look around to see people are actually here at 8 a.m.

I get out of my car in like slowmo like the movies. I turn around slam my door shut and walk to the entrance but of course the guys are staring at me, wolf whistling, and the girls give me death glares.

Pathetic. I thought. I entered the building looking for the office.

On my way to what I think is where the office is I bump into a girl with dirty blonde hair and light green eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She says. "Its fine, umm but, could you help me?" I ask her.

She nods. "Where's the office?" I say. She looks at me confused until realization hits her "Oh so you're the new girl that guys want and girls want to kill?" She says rhetorically, I think.

I nod slowly. She smiles at me happily and says "My names Hayden. You can call me whatever you want but most people call me my last name because its shorter." she says.

I lift an eyebrow as to question what they call her. She finally looks at my face and giggles saying "They call me White." I then nod slowly and say "Well Hayden, I'm going to call you Hayes." I tell her matter-of-factly.

She giggles and grabs my hand and takes me to the office. We walk in to see a lady around her thirties at a computer typing rapidly.

I clear my throat and say "Umm..Hi My name is Andrea Rose..Could I please get my schedule?"

The lady looks up and nods she then types something and takes out a paper from a folder "Here you go sweetie." she says. And I look at my schedule.

-Free Period

Reading my schedule, I groan and mentally scream at the world for having math first.

I mean I'm not bad at math its just not fun. I look at Hayes and ask "Do we have any classes together?" She then looks at my schedule. "I have History, Lunch, and Art with you."

But after that she giggles and says        "You have all classes with at least a member of the Bad Boy's!" She squeals, I look at her confused.

"And who are the 'Bad Boys'?" I say putting air quotes around the word bad boys.

She drops her head and blushes and mumbles something a long the lines of "look up".

I looked a up with a raised eyebrow seeing a group of dudes. They're all smirking at me. I look at their features.

The one in front of me has dark black hair, a defined jaw that looks like it could cut anything, and he has blue eyes, his height is at least 6'2.

The one to his left has blonde hair, also a defined jaw, and green eyes, at least 6'1.

The last one has light brown hair, big brown eyes, and also like the rest a defined jaw, the height around of 6'1, and they are all muscular.

"Done checking us out Cutie." the one in front of me says. I then put on a bored expression and said "Oh Honey, I've seen better." then I smirked as his face turned into shock and his jaw dropped.

The boys behind him snickered. I then looked at them with my eyebrows raised and asked "And what're your names?"

The blonde spoke up first "My names Ryder. The one to the right is Chase. And the one in front of you is Hunter." He says smoothly.

I then smirk at him and wink. "I'm going to call you, Shaggy.." I said pointing to Ryder.

"I'm going to call you Puppy because your face looks like a puppy." I said pointing to Chase.

I pointed to Hunter who had an amused glint in his eyes "I'm going to call you Monkey." I say with a smirk...

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