How it went down.prt2 -chapter 6.

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Kian's POV

The closer he moved towards me, the angrier I got. "Kian," he let out slowly, "I can explain. Just calm down." He said. I kept stepping back. Disgusted by his touch.

I walked out of the room and headed downstairs. I pushed and broke anything in my way.

I could hear Jc's hard footsteps heading towards me.

"Kian! Stop! Before you do something stupid!" He shouted like I was the one to blame.

"What the fuck do you mean?" I turned around. "You fucked the person I despise the most! In OUR bed!!!" I broke out in tears.

He just stood there. With no sense of what he had just did. "I--I----I thought you loved me?"

I ran my hand through my hair and huffed.

Finally he spoke. "I... I do. I don't just kinda happened. I love you with no doubt."

He put his arm out trying to reach for me. I wanted to trust his words, soooo badly.

But I just couldn't.

He grabbed my hand and I slapped it away. "Kian what the fuck are you doing??!!!"

"Well why should I be the only one putting work into this relationship?!! I GIVE NO MORE FUCKS!" I screamed then ran to the kitchen.

I broke a bunch of glass. It didn't mean anything to me anymore. So fuck it!

"STOP!" Jc yelled at me. I turned around with a pissed look and slapped the shit out of him.

And believe me. It felt really good.

He was on the ground and next thing I knew I was beating the hell out of him. Punching his lying face felt right. "Kian..Kia..Kian!!!" His cry for help meant nothing.

"You fuck up! How could you?" Hit after hit after hit. Even though I wouldn't let him answer, I still asked why. Then I started kicking him and Lia came out.

"Don't touch him! Stop!" She came at me. I quickly grabbed a knife from the counter. Jc tried to grabbed me, but it was too late.

Before I realized it, the knife was lodged in her arm. Jc pulled the knife from my fingers. I stood there out of breath. I didn't care anymore.

That's what that gut feeling was. He did still love her and probably always would.

The way he helped her, and cared for her.

It was the way he helped and cared for me.

So did he really love me? I slowly walked outside and sat on the porch. Not knowing or caring about the consequences of what I just did.

Moments later I heard sirens. My mind went blank. Everything blurred up. All I could barely hear were the cries of Lia.

Next thing I knew. I'm here in a jail cell.

I loved Jc, I'd do anything for him. But I guess it wasn't enough for him.

I sat there, in shock that maybe he loved me and just didn't want to show it? I don't really know. But I'm gonna find out.

But for now, it's just jail time for me.


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