Why would Ivor be afraid of Jesse?

"I'm here to get back that skull, and I know what you're doing g her too." She growls, making the man with black hair shocked.

"You're smarter than I thought you'd be." He states, crossing his arms.

The statement makes Jesse look puzzled, but Axle steps in, pushing the guy back.

"Hey! No one talks to my friends like that!" He shouts, Reuben running after him.

"Yeah! Leave her alone!" I shout, blocking the second exit.

Even Olivia takes the final one, blocking Ivor from escaping.

"You, you're all fools! Taking care of these two!" He shouts, rushing Olivia.

He pushes past her, shoving her into the bookshelf.

We all logo after him towards the beginning of the room, unable to locate him again.

"What did you mean by that?" I shout, making Jesse look slightly awkward.

Ivor appears ontop of four iron ingots, placing a pumpkin on top of them.

An iron golem explodes out from the blocks.

"They're not one of you! They are bad luck! And will only get you into trouble! Take my advice and leave them now! Before they get you killed!" He shouts, sending the golem on us.

It swings for us, making us all jump over its large arm.

Jesse however dives for her brother, rolling him out of the way before either of them can get hit.

"Run!" Axle shouts, leading the way up the stairs.

Jesse catches up to me, holding Reuben as he hides his face in her hair.

All I can think as we run into the small crowd waiting for Gabriel, who is just walking onto the stage now, is what Ivor meant.

How could Jesse not be one of us? That makes no sense. Sure she's a little, odd, but she's still one of us....


We all breathe heavily, Jesse especially.

"Is everyone okay?" Jesse asks, making us all nod.

I feel slightly bad.

I dragged them all down there and we didn't even find the skull.

"Hey, cheer up. We did go down there to get this." Jesse states, taking out a skull.

We all stare in disbelief.

"Also, bad news and good news. There were three, so he is definetly trying to build a wither, but now, he won't get the chance." Jesse boasts slightly, putting away the skull.

We all chuckle, only to have Jesse's frown ruin the mood.

"Wait.... Where's Lukas?" She asks, looking around.

Axle scoffs.

"He's probably down there with that golem still. Just leave him. He'd do the same to us." He growls, making me shocked and Jesse frown angrily.

"I don't care how big of a jerk he is Axle. I'm not letting anyone get hurt." She says.

I find myself admiring her.

I know that I wouldn't want him to die, but I don't think I would want to be the one to save his ass.

But then again Jesse was different.

Maybe that's what he meant.....

"You guys tell Gabriel about what Ivor was planning, just in case I get caught. I'll meet you all back up here as soon as I can." Jesse says before running back to the door.

Reuben goes to follow but I stop him.

"Sorry little bro. You can't follow her this time." I say, making g him frown angrily at the ground.

Olivia leads us through the crowd, making it to the front.

"Gabriel! We have something to tell you!" She shouts, making all eyes turn to us.


Hey guys. So just so you all know, once I get to the either storm, things will change up a lot. This story will not stay completely true to every single little thing that happens in the episodes. Things will change, but I'll stick to the main plot. Anyway! What did you all think? What did Ivor mean? Does he know? Why does Jesse feel like she needs to save Lukas? Find out soon!


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